Monday, February 15, 2010

Bumps and Bruises...

I had a house full of guests this weekend.  My in-laws drove down from Petoskey, Michigan and stayed the whole weekend, and my brother & sister in-laws stopped by a couple of times too.  Gramma and Papa left this morning, but not until Papa wiped out in our driveway on the freshly fallen snow.  He's ok, but claimed there was a little ice on the driveway and to watch our step if we go out.  "A little ice" he said. 

The snow has been coming down all morning and early afternoon, so I decided to do a mid-snowfall shovel so it won't be such a chore later.  This photo is my driveway (yes its there) 5 minutes after I finished shoveling.  That's how fast it's coming down.  Anyhow, remember when Papa said we had "a little ice"?  My entire driveway is a sheet of ice, which was covered with 4 inches of snow.  This I discovered when I wiped out 4 times as I labored with the shovel.  I love snow, I love snow, I love snow, but I hate ice, I Hate ice, I HATE ICE!!! (unless its nursing my broken tail bone, as it is now...)

1 comment:

Michelle Quinno said...

OUCH!! Glad your papa is ok. Be careful!

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