Saturday, January 22, 2011

And now....

EEKKK!!!  I had scheduled this for 1:00 pm Friday, and here it is, 1:00 am Saturday, and it didn't post!  Sorry here it is...

The winner of my Big News & BIG Giveaway contest!  Thank you to everyone that participated, including these lovely ladies that posted my giveaway on their own blogs:
Kelly - Uniquely Me
Deb - The Crafty Wizard
Lisa - This N' That
Brenda - Mama's Making

Many of you had 3 entries!
I wrote down everyone's entry, put them in a bowl and

had Lily pick the winner, and it is....Lisa M!  Congratulations Lisa and thank you to everyone that participated in my giveaway!  Not to worry though, in cleaning out my craftin' spot, I found lots of goodies I forgot I had.  Now, I have a huge box filled with some yummy goodies to give away over the next few months so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Lisa M. (aka. Lisa @ Farm Fresh) said...

oh my goshhhhhhh!!!! Ahahahahahahahah!!!! That's me screaming and dancing! Woot Woot! Sending you an email RIGHT NOW with my addy! Woot! Woot!

Thanks to your beautiful daughter for pulling my name! :)