Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Doin' it Doily

The hottest trend right now in paper crafting is vintage, lace, doilies, and images.   This style reminds me of trips to the antique stores in my home town.  Vintage lace tablecloths, dresses and aprons were always oohhed over, but never purchased.  That may be a good thing, as I would probably be hacking them up for my cards!
Moxie Fab this month is hosting the Diggin' On Doilies and Lace challenge, and I can't pass up a challenge Cath puts out!  I wanted to make the doily image more graphic, instead of soft and pretty.  Cath suggested to use contrasting colors, but with this creation, I decided to use blues and greens with different hue values to create the contrast.  I started by cuting out a large doily with my Cricut and used it as a mask on Soft Sky, then brayered and sponged Always Artichoke over it.  That's when the confusion set in.  The look it created was bold and left me debating on how to continue on with it.  It was beautiful plain, not at all vinage, and it needed something else.  My new obession is silk ribbon for my cards, so I paired white silk up with a strip of light blue velvet ribbon for contrast.  I then cut a much smaller doily out of vellum and stamped French Script in Soft Sky on it.  After seeing Scrapping Mommy's crochet flowers last week, I re-taught myself how to make them and added a white one to this card.  I struggled
with the layout for even more time, debating between  fussier and more complicated ones.  The layout I choose I felt honored the graphic nature of the background while highlighting the natural vintage-ness of a doily.  WHEW!!  That may have been a bit more technical than we all needed.


Rachel D said...

I like the velvet ribbon paired with the white. (I even enlarged the photo to see if I could figure out how you wrapped the center of the white bow with the velvet ribbon.)

What a lot of techniques on this card! Exellent.

Vicki Bray said...

OMgosh! I love this look! Your doily and lace are very unique - very impressive!

Sue Lelli said...

LOVE the mask and the ribbon technique, too! FAB!

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

Hey Kristin! Thanks so much for entering the Diggin' on Doilies and Lace challenge in the Moxie Fab World! :)

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 After twenty years in papercraft and florals, I have finally decided to switch Paperfiori over to a website of my own. Don't worry! All...