Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh what fun!

1/11/11 - oh what fun!  Ok on to the real stuff...

The cleaning of the craftin' spot isn't done yet.  I guess 2 days wasn't enough.  Don't they say a messy desk represents an orgainized mind? ...or so I'd like to think...  I did break through the paper and fabric sea long enough for me to get my craft on!

Continuing my New Year's goals, I am submitting some items to be a part of the Our Creative Corner Design team!  I have never been a part of a DT ...yet... and am eager to share all things paperlicious through my lil' ole blog. 

Now, I have to explain why I created what I did for their challenge.  This is the photo inspiration for their challenge.  A little white and black bird with red berries.  Adorable, right?  Well, not to me.  I am creeped out by birds...let me clarify...real birds.  I love graphic, adorable little birds that are mearly a representation of the real thing.  But real birds, the feathers, the pecking, the crazy leathery feet ....bleeeaaccckkkk....  I get the shivers just thinking about the real thing!  I'm weird, I know...  As I started pulling my black, white and red out, I couldn't get the image out of my head and again ....bleeeaaccckkkk.... I started to get creeped out!  So I scrapped doing a close representation of the photo and came up with these cards, with cute, non creepy little chickadees.  Perhaps I'll have to pull up my pantyhose and tackle it again tomorrow...

Sky Limits
Card stock: (Regal Rose, Rose Red) SU!
Patterned Paper: (City Park Royal Gardens) American Crafts
Ink: (Soft Suede, Baha Breeze) SU!
Stamp Set: (Up, Up & Away) PTI
Dies: (Clouds, Mat Stack 4) PTI
Ribbon: (olive grosgrain) SU!

Thanks Birdie
Card Stock; (Whisper White, Craft) SU!
Patterned Paper: (Linen Closes)DCMC
Ink: (Soft Suede) SU!; (Pretty in Pink Marker)SU!
Ribbon:  (teal seam binding) Me!; (pink lace ribbon) May Arts
Stickers: (Dear Lizzie) American Crafts
Other: (pink button); (doily) Wilton

Monday, January 10, 2011

My favorite colors...

Have I told you about my favorite color?  It is so fresh and wonderful.  I am lucky the paper industry has embraced my favorite color and it is now EVERYWHERE!!!  I'm talking about the most beautiful shade of blue.  Some call it Federal Blue.  SU! had Soft Sky a while back and now a darker hue of it called Baha Breeze.  PaperTrey Ink called it Aqua Mist.  I call it lovely...  This is why you see me use a lot of it.  Although, I am running out of my Soft Sky reserves...sob...and will have to use it more spareingly.  Anyway, when Our Creative Corner announced their challenge last week I was swooning to get the chance to make a lovely creation featuring this wonderful color, however, life got in the way of my crafting.  As did the pile of fabric, papers, stamps and exciting goodies that have been shipped in from my various publication wins! ...I don't mind that mess...  So here is what I would have made for their challenge last week.  They are having a DT call at the moment, did you know?  Have you gotten your creation in for them to consider?  Well, come and join me!

Lovely Thank You
Cardstock: (Baha Breeze) SU!; (white velum paper) SU!
Other paper: (Doily) Wilton
Stamps… clear: (Everyday Treats) PTI
Ink… pigment: (White craft) SU!
Embossing powder: (Winter White) SU!
Accent: (white buttons)
Fibers: (silver cord) SU!; burlap
Dies, embossing: (Mat stack 1) PTI ; (Swiss Dot) Cuttlebug

Don't foget to enter my drawing for $100 in free product!  Click on the link at the top!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Busy with paper?

What fun I have been having cleaning my craftin' spot....not really, I'm trying to be postive...  I've made it into a bigger project than it needed to be.  Moving my Mary Kay business things upstairs to the family office,  moving my sewing supplies downstairs to my craftin' spot.  It's been a very big undertaking, which has put my paper crafting on hold.  Bummer.  I am committed to having this space done right after my girlfriends leave tomrorrow morning so I can get my creativeness on!
Here's what I looking forward to doing this week down there:
So, keep hangin in there until Monday, when the paper will start flyin'!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A year in review...

So I guess it's a time of reflection, the start of a new year.  It's been a good year all and all!  My family and I are happy and healthy, my husband has a good job, and I'm able to stay at home to care for him and the girls.  We are all very blessed to say the least!

I've had some great acknowledgements this year too!  I reached my publication goal - a card of mine in the Paper Crafts July/Aug issue and have had several more creations gracing the glossy pages throughout the year and more to come!  It's so exciting, it makes me so giddy every time I see them there!  I've also won a few online contests and magazine contests!  The highlights being Paper Crafts Stampin' Royalty Contest and the World Card Making Day contests.  Both have been such an honor, and gives me being locked up in my craftin' spot for so many hours validity.

I have also been much more diligent with keeping up here - occasional lapses, but on average at least I'm posting over 50% of the days each month.  I'm sprinkling a few of my favorite projects from this year, and items I won contests with. 


This is from the fundraiser I coordinated for the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life.  All the ladies participated in a Craft Camp and we were able to raise $1500!


I have also been working on my health.  Since I was pregnant with my youngest, I have been having lots of arthritic pain in my hands, feet spine and shoulders.  Generally I would just write it off as a bad night of sleeping, but this summer I had many days when my hands and feet would swell, I wouldn't be able to walk or able to carry things (like my young daughter).  I was diagnosed with Psoratic Arthritis, a condition very similar to Rheumatoid, but a tad different.  My doctors recommended some very scary meds I didn't like, so I took matters into my own hands.  I began to actively loose weight by joining Jenny Craig on August 29th.  I am now down 40lbs - which helps with the arthritis pains, and on a new...less scary... medication that is helping with that and my psoriasis.  It's great to finally start to feel healthy and I'm looking forward to loosing the rest of my weight so I'm a hot little number!

So here are my crafty goals for this year:
  • Be a part of a Design Team - I'll be working hard at this!
  • Participate in more weekly challenges - I'm thinking at least 2 per week.  I'm really eager to get more time in the craftin' spot.
  • Participate in more magazine calls - I missed a couple at the end of the year, so I'm really focused on getting
  • Define my sense of style - I tend to go all over the place with my crafting so I want to really define my asthetic.
Well, that's it!  I hope you have all been working on your resolutions - keep focused - keep going.  I look forward to a year of crafty fun!

PC Announcement

Have you seen Paper Crafts Connection today?  Check out the announcement here!

Have you seen it?

The new Color Inspiration Issue from Paper Crafts Magazine?!  I was really excited to have been a part of this inagural special issue!  If you haven't picked this one up yet, it's REALLY inspirational...hence the name...  The call for this was kind of 'hush-hush,' as they wanted to make a big splash with it hitting the stands.  PC asked for card creations with 100+ color combinations I think I made about 15!  I am honored to have 3 of my colorful creations accepted for this issue! 
To keep the color consistant, they gave us Bazzil colors to work from.  You didn't have to use their paper, but the colors had to match - perfectly.  They had 6 different categories with many combos within each.  This one was my favorite combo, I actually use it all the time so it easy to whip up a fabu card for it.  The colors were Whirlpool...Baja Breeze...Tropical, Petty Cash...Certainly Celery.... and Nutmeg...Soft Suede.  Isn't it pretty?  These are also colors I use my my house. 

This is a cute little card!  I just adore it!  In the magazine, the ballon must have shifted in shipping, the hole of the button is showing, but it's still cute that way too!  I love the burlap...  The colors were Petty Cash, Champage...the burlap...Lily White...Whisper White....Vintage Pink...I had to use a combo of Copics to get this color.  Thank goodnes I had a button the right color1

Some combos were out there for me, like this one.  Who'd a thunk?  Black, white, Pansy...Elegant Eggplant... and hot pink?  I thought this was a stretch, and almost didn't send it in for consideration.  But, there it is!  On the glossies!  I just goes to show you that you never know what they are looking for when you submitt - so don't give up!

Monday, January 3, 2011

BIG News and BIG Giveaway!

Here it is!  The big news!  Well, it's big news for me, and a BIG giveaway for you! 

So do you remember the contest Paper Crafts Magazine was hosting for World Card Making Day last year...I can't believe I need to say 'last year'...  I had made some cards that I shared with you in November.  I had quite a few that I really loved that I submitted, like this one
Isn't she adorable?  She reminds me of Lily when she was 2.  Golden curls, cute little dresses...  But I digress...

I had a card that won in the contest!!!!!  Yes!  Little ole' me!  I was bouncing of the walls when the e-mail arrived from Kelly Smith at PC in November!  She made me promise not to tell you until the new year.  I have to wait until March to show the card that won - it was really cute!  It has been really hard not to share my groovy good news!   I was even more excited when a very large box arrived on my door step the week of Christmas with this inside
YES!  ALL of this was inside!  $600 worth!   I am heading down to my crafty spot this week to play with some of these wonderful goodies - I'm so blessed!  I thought I would spread the blessings by giving away a goodie bag of FANTABULOUS items to have you ready for spring in no time!  Here's what I'm giving away:

Stamp It Issue Paper Crafts Magazine
The Paper Studio Fabric Designer Brads
2 - 12x12 pieces of natural burlap
Seam binding ribbon:
   5 yards tea stained white crinkled ribbon
   2.5 yards tea stained pink crinkled ribbon
   2.5 yards pink stained pink crinkled ribbon
   2.5 yards tea stained aqua crinkled ribbon
   2.5 yards blue stained aqua crinkled ribbon
Verve Stamps Some Bunny and Blossom Stamps
Posi-Bendr Bow Easy bow maker
Inque Chipboard Shapes:
   All Frills
   Swirls and Flourshes
Generations 12x12 zip closure storage
Lil' Davis Designs Secret Garden Invisible Alphabet
Glitter Modge Podge
Art Accents Micro Fine Sparklerz Glitter
AIC Ultra Fine Pastel Yellow Glitter
Stampin' Up! 2009-2010 Bold Brights Paper
Pink Polka Dot Chipboard letters (55ct)
Stickapotamus Vellum Heart Stickers
Marcella Sticker Sheets:
   Super Bright Label Word Stickers
   Trend Jumbo Die Cut Alpha Stickers
   Super Bright Blocks Alphabet Stickers
Daisy Hill School Year Die-cut Alphabet Stickers
Cosmo Cricket Lil' Man Sticker Sheet
American Crafts Mini marks Celebration Rub-ons
Hallmark Shamrock stickers
Bo Bunny Sticker Sheets:
   He is
   Winter Gems Alphabet
   Heart Throb
   Super Sweet
   Home is Where
   Sweet Baby Boy

That's it!  Over $100 worth of new fun products for you to play with!  Now, to qualify for this amazing prize, you need to do the following: THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN CHANGED - PLEASE PLAY ALONG!
  1. Post a comment at this post - your name goes in the drawing
  2. Post a link back here on your blog to help me spread the word! - your name goes in the drawing
  3. Become a follower - your name goes in the drawing (please let me know you are by leaving a comment here)
That's 3 chances to win!  I will be picking a winner on January 21st!  I'll be showing you some great items I made with my new goodies - I can't wait to get crackin' on it!

Ready for the new year?

WOW!  Did you have a fun filled holiday season too?  We all had a great time, but I'm REALLY glad it's back to normal here.  The holiday decorations are packed away, waiting to be hauled into their attic home; the gifts are organized and available for the girls to play with; family is home safe and sound. 

Now that the parties are thown, handmade gifts are given, cookies eaten, pounds gained, and school is back in session; it's time to get my craft on!  It has been WAY too long since I was able to have fun in my craftin' spot for things non holiday related.  Since Thanksgiving, I've only been able to make these gift bags filled with Homemade Pecan Caramel Sauce...yummy ...
and gift tags for teacher gifts...these are the only 2 paper carfts I got to this season ;(...

and make a bulb garland, wreath and new signage for a couple of  Cameron Mitchell's Restaurants...only the best restaurants EVER...

I also repainted and repaired my childhood doll highchair..can't find a photo of that... and cradle, and made it a custom matress and blanket...the original had long since disapeared...

Made a new canopy, mattress, and blanket for Lily's new American Girl doll to match her bedroom...the wood bed was great but the canopy and 'blanket' were HIDEOUS not like the photo...

bake a bajillion cookies, pizzelles...old family recipe...and plan the winter parties for Lily's elementary school.

So as you can see, I have been busy being creative, it just hasn't been focused on paper crafting.  I am getting my next post ready, big news and and even BIGGER giveaway!  Keep your web ears peeled - it's coming soon...perhaps today!...

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Have you recovered yet?  Me either.  Which is why I haven't posted, well, one of the reasons.  Consulting with Cameron Mitchell Restaurants, hosting family and parties have taken up a lot of my weel-intentioned time.  I do have photos to post for you, the are on a new camera we have in the house and I still haven't had the time to figure out how to get them off.  I'll have DH help me tomorrow. 
ALSO - I have some exciting news and a BIG GIVEAWAY on the 1st to share!  So make sure you come back here for a chance to win a paperific prize!
See you then!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Glitter everywhere!

Have I told you how much I love glitter?  I's just so fun and sparkly!  Not only do I love using glitter in my paper crafting, I also use in in my holiday decorating.  Some might call it cheezy, but not me....although, perhaps I'm cheezy and don't even know it?  No...I have great taste....that can't be it.
Any way, I promised to show you some photos of one of my favorite parts of my house for decorating, my mantle!  I use every glittery, shiny, eye catching thing I can get my hands on to make it spectacular!
First a couple close ups of the glittery, shimmery fabulouseness!  I have been collecting some of these ornaments for the last few years.  The big blue snowflake is from...none other than...Walmart this year!  They have a section of MY color there right now!!!  Is someone else out there decorating in my colors?  Not in my neck of the woods, it seems I'm the only one buying it.  More for me the day after Christmas to buy!  The big gold one in the corner...I've had those for over 20 years now!  They were the first ornaments I ever bought for my own tree...ah nostalgia.

Those white snow flakes were new last year, I wish I could remember where I got them.  I would love to get a few more!  Those used to hang from my chandiler in the dining room, but alas, that room was moved and the new dining room doesn't have a chandelier yet.  See that 'L' on the stocking?  That is how we designate who's stocking is who's...was the grammatically correct?...  Every year when I unpack our decorations, I mean to get them embroidered by my 'adoptive mom' Kathleen,...She owns an adorable shop in downtown Perrysburg, Ohio that has gifts and specializes in creative embroidery - she's so amazing....But I always forget...darn ADD...  So we have these initial letters to help until I get my head on straight.
Now, here's my crowning glory of the house, but please pay no mind to the ugly brown chair.  It's pair is currently getting a slipcover made...when I have time before Tuesday...and it will get it's new clothes soon too.

Here is the over all look!  I just love it.  I took this photo before the other touches to the room were done, boxwood in some of the pitchers and chochkies on the tables.  The 'Believe' sign is getting a makeover too, I'll be adding some snowflakes and yummy things to it.  I'll post that finished project after the holiday...since I won't find time to add it before....  The fuzzy white stocking is for our cat Oscar.  Have I ever shown a photo of him?  He's a white American Persian, so this fit's him perfectly.  The bookcases on either sides of the fireplace?  I have to brag, my hubby and I did them, as well as the moulding around the room.  I love how we work so well together!  I come up with the design, he installs it, I paint it.  It's a good system.  Currently we have to leave the lower shelves empty, little hands LOVE to pull things off shelves!
That's it for today.  I'll show you the last 2 rooms on Monday as well as that paper craft I promised you.  I actually have a few to show you next week!
Stay warm!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Untradtional, tradtional Christmas

Do you remember me telling you I LOVE Christmas?  The tree, the snow, the laughter, family get-togethers, baking ...lots of baking..., visiting Santa, church on Christmas eve, ornaments, watching my daughters' faces when they see the presents under the tree on Christmas morning.  It's all so magical!

The one thing I DON'T like about Christmas is....red and green.  I can't stand that combination!  Red and white perhaps, not green...ick!  Perhaps is stems from my mother's decision to decorate our Christmas tree in pink and blue to match the house at the tender age of 13.  Not only did she make this decision, but we went from a real tree to a ....gasp....fake one!  For the first few years, I was appalled!  We were the only house that had a 'designer' tree, and to top it off it was fake! ...how embarassing for a teenager...  Later in high school, I began to appreciate it...a little...and would help out.  Then, when I became a florist, I had the sole responsibility of getting the tree decorated.  Every Wednesday before Thanksgiving up it went, and mom would find some new beautiful set of ornaments to add and phase out the old.  It soon became a navy, white and gold tree.  They moved last winter, so unless they fly me to sunny Florida to do it...no complaining here...they will be on their own.

So, after that long back story, I would like to show you the decorations I put up for the holiday's!  Yes it's untradtional, like this beautiful card I made for the Paper Crafts Stampin' Royalty Contest and won!  Those are the same colors I decorate my house for the holidays.  Green, federal blue, white, gold and yellow, complete with snowflakes!  I just love how fresh it is!  I try to decorate my entire first floor and the girls rooms.  They each have a little tree they decorate themselves, they love using them as their night lights.  I'll show you a few photos.

This is the chandelier in the kitchen.  My only wish is that I could get a string of lights up there...
This is our family tree.  The ONLY spot that red is allowed.  It has all our collected ornaments on there.  I LOVE ornaments!  Rob's mom even brought down his from when he was a child to add this year.  My decorator tree is usually up in the living room, but not this year.  We have converted that into our dining room and with my huge table, there is no room for a tree anymore.  I'll show you what I did in there next week.
This is my favorite ornament.  It's the first one Rob and I got for our first Christmas together.
The bureau I have in the family room.  I made this wreath for a call in April.  The details are here.
This is our tv area...can you tell...  Yes, we are still in the dark ages, no surround sound.  Just these hideous speakers my hubby insists on having.  Yes, sometimes I do make decorating consessions, I don't like to, but I do.  Like our fireplace.  I'll show you that tomorrow.  Along with some cute photos of some paper crafting I was able to do!

It's nice to talk to you again!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Has it really been that long since I posted?  Crazy!  As life has been too.  I think that's par for the course this time of year, how about you?  Life's been crazy?  I really have been creating some things, just not many cards...cookies, cakes, fattening things yes; cards, no...  I have about 8 more cookie recipes to create with about 5 doz per recipe.  I have lots of photos to share with you starting tomorrow - cookies, sauces, containers and the like.

But for today, I have an offer for you!  I am a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator, just to get my own products at a discount.  'Cause I LOVE their stuff - high quality papers, beautiful colors, great images, my list goes on.  I am however, short on my minimum orders to stay current...ooops.... so I'm offering my discount to you, 20% OFF but only for a limited time!  Here's the deets:
  • Got to the Stampin' Up! website and check out their Current Catalogs.
  • Make your list, check it twice, and e-mail me it at krzykramer@yahoo.com.  I will contact you for payment (PayPal).
  • Place an order with me by noon December 17th for Christmas delivery OR
  • This offer is extended until December 30th so use your Christmas money gifts to place an order with me before noon on December 30th.
That's it!  I'll be posting some of what I've been busy with starting tomorrow.  You're mouths will be watering!

Monday, November 22, 2010


I feel so special!  They featured the winners of Paper Crafts Stampin' Royalty Contest on Paper Crafts Connection today!  There I am...40 lbs heavier...I'm the second on the top...the one with the weird bangs.  They even showed my card on there again...blush...  Thanks again for the kuddos Kelly!  I love you Paper Crafts!

The weekend result

So, I'm home from my very fun weekend! The movie was wonderful, Ashley is VERY talented! It is now being sent on the indie film festival circut and we'll have to wait and see how it does there. I'm hoping for some great reviews on the storyline for her. It was AMAZING!!! Also, before you read on, I know I wouldn't have been able to enjoy my weekend without the support of my amazing hubby Rob. One of the strengths of our relationship is we know sometimes we need to escape the pressures of life. I was able to do that this weekend while he took on the mother and father roles for 54 hours. Thank you my darling - you are my rock and love. ***smoochy***

Now I'm home. Late last night. And I came home to a war zone. All that was missing were shell casings and sand bags. Disaster area does NOT completely describe the mess I came home to. But let me explain in my dear sweet hubby's defense...It's hard to have the our two professional wreaking balls on your own for 3 days straight. I know, I do it every other weekend! He did get Elizabeth's crib taken apart and her big girl bed put together, along with a few baskets of unfolded laundry. Not bad I thought...last night. Today, in the light of the day, I survey the damage. I would post photos if I weren't so embarrased. Between the crayons, clothes, and Wii controllers, I find spilled milk, ground up chips in the carpet, vomit on the wall and the contents of my secret Disney gift box opened and played with. UUUGGGHHH!!!!

This will be my montra the next few days. With my in-laws arriving in a short 36 hours the stress has begun to kick in. I will be able to get my house back in order before their visit, but on only 4 hours sleep...a rough night for both of the girls...I won't handle the stress as well as I would like. At least I'm not hosting Thanksgiving dinner.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happily After

I have to brag a little.  My dearest, bestest friend has a younger sister.  Ashley Close...her pen name is Finley Leighton...  I've known her since she was 6.  She has become a wonderful, confident woman at 24.  She's smart, witty and beautiful!  Like her sister, she loves all things theatrical and currently works for a filming company in Arizona. 

A few years back she wrote a screenplay - I know!  She was so young!  Anyway - it was made into MOVIE... a real movie in theaters...by Glass City Productions called Happily After.  

Happily After theatrical trailer from Glass City Films on Vimeo.
It takes a while to load...

The big city premier was in Chicago 2 weeks ago, how exciting is that?  The majority of the movie was filmed in the Toledo, Ohio area, as the owners of the production company are from Northwest Ohio...so is Ashley.  Since it was filmed there, they are having a premier there as well and lucky me got a ticket!  Perhaps you'll see me gracing the pages of US Magazine or People walking the red carpet!...or not...  Actually, if you happen to be in Toledo tomorrow, you can get a ticket too; hereI won't be posting for the next 3 days as I will be hob nobbing with movie writers, waiting to be discovered....;)

I'm so excited for Ashley!  What an accomplishement!  She could be the next Matt Damon - 'How 'bout them apples?'

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's out - wanna play?

Have you seen the NEW special issue by Paper Crafts Magazine?  It's called Card Creations, Favorite Occasions Volume 2. 
There are some awesome ideas in the glossy pages, not to mentions a few of my own!  Some of my favs are Shabby Chic Doily by Julia Stainton on page 19; My Heart Adores You by Kim Hughes on page 66; and Thanks a Million by Erin Lincoln.  Here are the creations I had accepted for this issue and read on for some exciting news!

A Perfect Day
Cardstock: (Soft Sky - current substitution: PaperTrey Aqua Mist) SU!
Patterned paper: (Sweet as Cherry Pie) Websters Pages
Other paper: (Days of the Week Journaling Cards– Happy Neutrals) Websters Pages
Stamps clear stamp (Up, Up and Away - ‘thanks for’ sentiment) PaperTrey
Ink…dye, pigment, solvent, watermark, chalk: (Chocolate Chip marker) SU!
Accent: (white pearl stickers) Kaiser Craft; (Pretties Kit – pearls and crystal for home-made pins) SU!; Pearl headed corsage pins) Oasis; (fabric doily and button) no vendor
Fibers: (pink silk ribbon and twill ribbon) May Arts; (Blue embroidery floss) DMC
Other: (Staples)

Thanks for the Lift
Cardstock: (110 white card stock – current substitution: Whisper White) SU!

Stamps…rubber, foam, clear: Clear Stamps (Up, Up & Away – sentiment) Papertrey Ink
Color media…markers, pencils, pens: (Basic Black and Pumpkin Pie Markers) SU!
Accent: Rainbow rhinestones (JoAnne’s)
Sticker: (Clear Stickers – Butterflies and Floral) Hambly Screen Prints

Clothesline Congrats
Cardstock: (110 white card stock – current substitution: Whisper White) SU!
Patterned paper: (Cloud Paper) American Crafts; (Ruby Red, So Saffron and Certainly Celery Designer Series Paper) SU!
Stamps…rubber, foam, clear: (Hangin’ Out) Taylored Expressions
Ink…dye, pigment, solvent, watermark, chalk: (Stazon) Black Ink; (Soft Sky classic ink - current substitution: PaperTrey Aqua Mist, Close to Cocoa classic ink) SU!
Accent: (Yellow buttons, White mini button, Jute twine, white string) no vendor

Are you proud of me?  My mom was ;).  But now for MORE exciting news...I am going to have a giveaway!  I have been receiving some fun and fabulous prizes lately, and I thought I would share them with you!  I will have a prize pack worth over $50 to give to the lucky winner!  Here are the deets:
  1. Post a comment here with your favorite card from this issue and why (don't forget to include a link to your blog)
  2. Post a link to this post on your blog by using this badge:
LilyBeth Boutique  here is the code:

That's it!  Easy peezie lemon squeezie!  I will pick the winner on December 1st and announce it here on the 2nd.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Glitter snowflakes

Ok, so I really loved this card too!  This is yet another one that was submitted to Paper Crafts Magazine's World Card Making Day Contest.  It was so shimmery and glittery, very luxe!  I really like making Holiday cards with untraditional colors, since I don't decorate in red and green.  You should have seen this one in person - gorgeous!

Cardstock: (Baha Breeze) SU! (Bronze Shimmer) TPC – Hobby Lobby
Stamps…rubber: (Sincere Salutaions) SU!
Stickers: (Blue glitter snowflakes) Martha Stewart Crafts - retired
Ink…dye: (Versamark) SU!
Embossing Powder: (Silver) Ranger Ink
Fibers: (brown double faced satin) Michaels
Finished size: 4.25”x5.5

Monday, November 15, 2010

Vintage Valentine

How stinkin' cute is this?  I really love the image, it's from scrapologie.blog.com.  Check out all her adorable images.  I printed it out on cardstock and shabbied it up a bit with doilies and buttons.  It's too cute!

Cardstock: (ivory) 110 lb cardstock

Patterned paper: (Olivia) Basic Grey
Other paper: (Doily) Wilton
Stamps… clear: (Delightful Dahlias – sentiment) PTI
Ink…dye: (Basic Grey, Real Red) SU!
Accent: (blue clear buttons)
Digital element: (Vintage valentine) scrapoligie.blog.com
Fibers: (red felt rick rac) Hobby Lobby; (red twine) SU!
Finished size: 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday dear friend!  My darling, I enjoy our early morning visits and chats!  You have been a source of inspirations, challenges, giggles and fun.  I admire your addiction to all things beautiful, trendy and paperlicious.  You introduce me to new ideas, products, techniques and obsessions...ahem, can I say burlap and doilies?...I have been the lucky recipient of a couple of honors with you as well.  For all of that I thank you...and so does my credit card company...You are truely Moxie Fab!

Friday, November 12, 2010

This was a last minute addition to my Paper Crafts Magazine World Card Making Day Contest submissions.  It wasn't my fav, but it did use up some of the Dear Lizzie stickers I've been hoarding.  I stamped the Certainly Celery paper music notes to add to the notes in the wheels.

Cardstock: (So Saffron; Certianly Celery) SU!

Patterned paper: (Heat wave – creamy coconut) American Crafts
Stamps…rubber, foam, clear: (Glee) Technique Tuesday
Ink…dye: (Certainly Celery; Soft Suede) SU!
Accent: (yellow buttons) PTI Custom mix Vintage buttons
Sticker: (Dear Lizzie - Frolic) American Crafts
Fibers: (orange grosgrain) ; (yellow embroidery floss) DMC
Finished size: 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"

Thursday, November 11, 2010

More cards...

I love the Holidays!  Baking, time with family, playing games with everyone; it's just a wonderful time!  I also love to make holiday cards.  Here is one I made for the Just Add Ink challenge today.  I masked the background with a paper dioly and sprayed with Tattered Angels Key Lime mist.  I then dried the doily, folded it up and attached a medallion to the front, to make it look like a wreath.  It is so cute and shimmery in person. 
Cardstock: (Stardream Crimson) TPC – Hobby Lobby
Other paper: (Doily) Wilton
Stamps… clear: (Everyday Treats) PTI
Ink…dye: (Real Red, Basic Black) SU!
Color media…spray: (Key Lime Pie Glimmer Mist) Tattered Angels
Fibers: (red grosgrain) SU!
Tool: (1.75” circle punch) EK Success type
Finished size: 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"

Monday, November 8, 2010

The magic is over...

Well, we just got home from Disney...tear...  The kids all had a great time and I think the adults did too. 

Rob and Elizabeth arrived a few days earlier than Lily and I did with this parents.  They gave us the night off by watching the girls so we could go to EPCOT's Food & Wine Festival.  What fun we had!  If you have never had the chance to go, I HIGHLY recomend it.  Try it during the week as opposed to a weekend, they're a bit more crazy then.  The concept is you are able to 'tour' countries by tasting their food!  They add 10+ more countries to the festival to the original 11.  Rob's favorite was Mexico's Tamal de Pollo (Chicken Tamales) and Korea's Lettuce Wraps with Kimichi Slaw - boy was it SPICY!!!  I LOVED everything from France...even tried the escargoe...the Lamp Chop from Australia, and we both loved the Fisherman's Pie from Ireland.  Everything was delicious!  We ended the night with a late dinner at Les Chef's Bistro in France...ahhh to dine without kids....athough we were full, we ate everything in sight!

My family arrived on the 31st and we went to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party on the 1st.  We all had coordinating costumes based on Peter Pan.  My nephew Casey was Peter, Lily was Wendy, Elizabeth was Tinkerbell and the adults went as Pirates.  It was lots of fun, and all but 3 of us stayed to the end.  They were all there for 5 days, and while we didn't get to see everything...it's hard to corral 9 people...we had a great time being together.

As an aside - I made all the adults pirate costumes and Lily's Wendy costume for the party...of course I can't find a photo of it... Until I can locate one, here is our Tinkerbelle and her pirate daddy enjoying the Halloween parade. 

All the planning for this trip kept me really busy, but now I need to make Elizabeth's big girl room before the end of the month.  Time to get on the business end of a paint brush again!

Visit my NEW Website!

 After twenty years in papercraft and florals, I have finally decided to switch Paperfiori over to a website of my own. Don't worry! All...