Saturday, July 15, 2023

Life changes in an instant...

 Hi all,

It's shocking how quick life can change...the birth of a child...a new job offer....a tragic fall.  Unfortunately ours has changed from the latter.  My 81 yr old mom fell last Saturday on our 9 hr drive home from Lake Norman in SC.  While her prognosis is good, she did break her wrist, her C2 vertebrae and nearly bled out from an arterial cut on her forehead.  We just got her back to northwest Ohio and we are grateful for the angels that crossed our path during the crisis. The next 12 weeks will be ones filled I'm sure with challenges and successes.  I will say I have DEFINATELY earned my paper therapy today!


This is my 3rd week with Just Us Girls challenge blog as a guest designer! I love the inspiration photo, but don't have anything raspberries, so I went with the colors.


I decided to use up some more of the granite paper I created with this video, and added a raspberry colored panel with it.  I stamped an image over it with Versamark and heat embossed it with gold powder.

I then accented the flower on the raspberry side with some markers, just to make them stand out a bit more.  My mojo is a bit off, but now that we're back at home I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things.  


This week will be a bit crazy as well with appointments with neurosurgeons and orthopedic Drs, so I'm hoping to carve out some time in the studio for my mental health!

If you have a chance, visit my YouTube channel on the 17th for more releases from Altenew!

Have a colorful day!


Vicki Dutcher said...

Love this bright and pretty card! That gold on red - stunning!

Carol said...

Gorgeous card with all of your techniques and the addition of that beautifu; gold!!!

I Card Everyone said...

Kristin, I'm so sorry about your mom - hope she heals well and quickly!
Love how you've combined your handmade paper with the raspberry card stock - it's gorgeous embossed in gold!

Lisa Elton said...

Oh my goodness, Krisitn, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Sending prayers for her healing. No raspberries for you, no problem! You made one gorgeous card!

Nancy said...

Kristin, I am so sorry to hear about your mom! I pray she will heal quickly and be a good patient. As for your gorgeous card...OMG! Talk about a stunner! Love how creative you were! Hope things settle down or at least you can keep up with life's demands.

cm said...

Sending positive energy that your mom heals quickly and completely and an extra boost to help you in tending to her as she does so. Your granite paper card is gorgeous! A perfect take on the mood board!

Bobby said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom, Kristin. I know how scary falls can be at that age, which is why I try to be extra careful. Sending prayers for healing, comfort, and piece of mind and you go through recovery.

Your card is sensational, Kristin. Mating the two pieces of cardstock together and covering it with the gold embossed image is so rich and elegant.

Sue VanDeVusse said...

So sorry to hear about your Mom's fall and hoping for a complete recovery.
Your card is gorgeous! I love that amazing granite paper you created and yes I looked it up so see how you made it!

Ina G said...

Wow Kristin I love the road you took with this mood board. Simply love how you created such a beauty. Hope all is on the up with your Mum and life is a bit less stressful. Great way to wind down is play time. Hope you get a bit/lots.

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 After twenty years in papercraft and florals, I have finally decided to switch Paperfiori over to a website of my own. Don't worry! All...