Friday, April 12, 2024

Spring CAS BetterPress rainbow!

NEW Spellbinders BetterPress Arched Messages for the CAS on Friday Spring Challenge!

Hi all!

Welcome to another CAS on Friday challenge, this time our theme is SPRING!  You can interpret the theme any way you'd like, but make sure it is CAS...AND since I am a guest designer for Spellbinders' April release, I decided to feature this fan-tabulous BetterPress set called Arched Messages.

I love the look of the pressed image, it's so classy and traditional.  When I received my very first letterpress wedding invitation, I was so enamored with how beautiful it was.  I wanted to figure out how to create that look with what limited supplies I had 20+ years ago...little did I know it would become so easy for me to do!  The trick for the embossed stamped look is the paper, but the system can be used with regular card stock too, it just won't have the super embossed look depending on the thickness of your card stock.  I chose to use the cotton paper they recommend with the system.

The great thing about the Arched Messages set is each arch is its own separate plate, that way you can use multiple colors with it.  Hence...the rainbow for my spring card!  This set also comes with a super handy...and brilliant...registration template made from thin acetate to help create a perfectly aligned arched image.  I used Altenew's Summer Dreams color group for my rainbow colors since I have them on hand.

After I completed the rainbow and sentiment, the panel was trimmed and was placed on a light blue card base to give the hint of sky color.  I also added the white sequins in various sizes to create my sparkly clouds, it's super fun right?...can you tell I'm an 80's chick?😂😂😂.    I'm also playing along with the JUGS, and Simply Clean and Simple challenges this week.


Now head over to CAS on Friday for more inspiration from the DT and play along!  Maybe even try a letterpressed card yourself?  Have a colorful day!!


Lisa Elton said...

What a fun rainbow, Kristin! It has an art deco look to it. I like your clever sequinned clouds too! Thanks for playing along at Just Us Girls this week!

Diane said...

So beautiful and unique, you should enter it at Colorful Options, they are always looking for pretty rainbows!!
Thank you for joining our challenge at Simply Clean & Simple.
Diane SCAS Co-Owner
{Nellies Nest}
{Simply Clean & Simple}

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

Love your better-pressed rainbow, Kristin. I love the different designs in each arch,a nd what a great idea to make your clouds from sequins. Thanks for playing with us at Just Us Girls.

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