Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Clean...or not...

So, remember how I said that my craftin' spot was cleaned?  Well, it's not now.  Not only is it not clean, but it was the location for my daughters 8th birthday slumber party!  SO, I had to take a few things down, move tables, add chairs, decorate and such - that it is now again a bit of a disaster.  Not anything I can't recover from in a matter of a couple hours, but I'm kind of avoiding cleaning right now....well, all the time....

Here's some photos of the fun time the 13 girls had at the sleep over and how it looked for them.  I didn't have time to take the photos myself, so I asked my budding photographer....aka take them.  He got a new fancy camera for his sports photos and he was eager to play around with it.  He has a very analytical mind so his ideas of photos are more practical than artistic and 'ambiance' inspired.  At least I got some photos and I do appreciate his efforts.  

He didn't get the adorable signage at the bottom of the stairs that Lily made, where I put a headboard and mock bed to welcome the girls down.  OR the absolutely adorable paper poufs and paper lanterns I hung all around for extra color, since these photos were taken wehn I was about 80% done.  He did however capture the lovely white poly vinyl I hung around the perimeter of the room to cover the 'man cave' and craftin spot items's so inspiring....AND the not finished table set-ups. 
See - he's a practical kind of guy....gracious I love him!....
These are some cute ones of the girls enjoying the festivities...Just Dance 3.... and of the birthday girl opening her pressies.
I guess I should head down to finish putting things away....or not.....

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 After twenty years in papercraft and florals, I have finally decided to switch Paperfiori over to a website of my own. Don't worry! All...