Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just like old times...

With hubby and baby away, it's been like old times here with Lily and I.  She is really enjoying the 1 on 1 attention, and I'm enjoying the peace and quiet!  Don't get me wrong, I adore my baby, but a break from the constant sibling bickering is a treat!  We'll be seeing them on Friday when we get to Disney World.  I've been getting all kinds of treats ready for all the kids on the trip, and I'll be showing you them later this week and next.
For now, here is another item I had submitted to Paper Crafts for their last call.  It wasn't accepted, but so many others were, so I'm not complaining.  It's just a cute little favor made for homemade candies.  Again with pink - my favorite!

Monday, October 25, 2010


What a fabulous day!  First, tomorrow my hubby and toddler leave for Florida in the am...ahh I can sense the calm in my house now...  My PTO meeting went well, as it's been surrounded with controversy...it's like high school, who'd a thunk... and I received notice that Paper Crafts accepted 6, yes 6 of my current submissions!  I did the happy dance on the table with that one! ...just like college...
Here is one of the items that wasn't accepted for this call.  It's a home decor item for a baby's room.  I picked these colors, not only because I have girls, but because it matches my daughter's room.  I love pink!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Celebrate Chicky!

So during my daily inspiration from various blogs, I was introduced to Pam Wilson at Chicks of a Feather.  The fabulous Dawn McVey mentioned Pam on her blog My Favorite Things, so I of course had to check it out.  I love to see what other creative ladies are doing out there and send them my love, and she happens to be a fellow Buckeye!  This is her 1 year blog-aversary so why don't you go and give her some lovin'...she also has a giveaway happening....  In honor of her event, here is a Party Chicky for her!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Getting ready...

How cute is this image?  I found it on scrapologie.blog.com.  While Ranjini no longer has an online store, she posts beautiful vintage items on her blog to share.  I really liked the image, but I don't think I've done it justice.  I'm still trying to get my paper mojo back.  But it makes me excited to see Cinderella in 8 days!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This is a card I made for the Paper Crafts World Card Making Day Card Contest.  I didn't send it in.  I like the color combination, but it just didn't come together like I wanted it to.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I was very busy on World Card Making Day, October 2nd.  I was having al kinds of creating fun!  This is a card I created for one of my neighbors, she is pregnant with a little girl.  She is buying my 4 poster crib for her new little one, which means I need to get on the ball with getting Elizabeth into her big girl room.  Katie is due after the first of the year!  I've gotten her an ADORABLE pettiskirt for the baby too.  I can't wait to give it to her!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


*tap*tap*tap*  Anyone there?  I know I've left you all hanging.  I'm so sorry...it's my ADD kicking in.  I've been meaning to write.  Lots of exciting things have been happening here! 

First, My first EVER published card appeared on the pages of Paper Crafts Magazine this month, as well as a gift item!  I was SO incredibly excited and honored! There is nothing more thrilling than seeing your creation in the glossy pages of a magazine! My card (page 78) helped me win the Seasons Greetings category for the Stampin' Royalty Contest this year, as well as the Gold Medal Winner for the Olympics of Stampin Moxie Fab contest.  You will also see what I look like...or did 30 lbs ago... as they had the winners photos listed on page 14.
The second item that I have in this issue is on page 60, a new years wine bottle gift.  I made it to match this invitation and party 'hat'.  I loved this little collection, and am thrilled that even a part of it made it!  This was also featured yesterday on Moxie Fab - check it out!

Second, I have been very busy trying to loose weight.  I joined Jenny Craig to help me and it has been a blessing!  I'm kicking butt - and have lost 30 lbs in 7 weeks!!!   I work out 4 days a week, heavy cardio and toning.  I'm loving that my clothes are looser and that I'm fitting into some things I haven't worn in years!  I still have 50 lbs to go, and with the holidays approaching I want to be focused and determined to stay on track.

Finally, I have also been very busy with creating!  Not only items for publications, but for our upcomming trip to Disney World!  I am currently planning the Kramer Family Disney Grand Gathering that begins October 29th.  My entire family will be going, mom, dad, sister, brother, nephew and us.  It's only 9 people, but its up to me to make it magical for everyone!  We planned this vacation around my nephew Casey's birthday.  It's a difficult time for my brother, he celebrates his son, but it also reminds him of loosing his wife several days after he was born.  So we are taking them to the happiest place on earth to for some fun and to celebrate the other fall birthdays, Elizabeth's and my sister Karen's.  I have been planning our character meals, making maps, scavenger hunts, creating autograph books and making little bits of Tinkerbell magic to appear every day.  It's been a huge undertaking, and only because I'm making it so huge...ahh the life of a former event designer.

So, that's what I've been up to.  I'll be posting some projects not accepted for magazine publications, as well as some of the things I've been making for our trip in the upcoming days, so keep a look out for them!

AAA Cards sketch challenge using ALTENEW!

 Hi all! Super quick card today for AAA Cards challenge !   Small stencils, stamps or dies are perfect for this challenge.  I used Altenew...