Sunday, May 29, 2016

Missed opportunity...

I certainly miss creating for PaperCrafts Magazine...  Their calls for submissions always helped me think outside the box and let's be honest, gave me an excuse to shirk my household least for a few hours...  I went online the other day, visiting some of my old haunts, only to find many of them gone.  Ah, such is life!  However, some of the old standbys were there for me, Papertrey Ink, My Favorite things, and lots of bloggers I liked to follow.  It was like visiting a friend you haven't seen in a  few years, but its like you were never apart!  I love that feeling....  They helped me on Wednesday revisit my creative side with their challenge, its a great feeling to get those creative juices flowing!

 I originally wanted to submit this for the Paper Trey Ink contest, but after putting the girls to bed for the night, I forgot to do it.  They put up this image as inspiration for your creation:
Blog hop inspiration

I used the water color look and the grey outlined letters as the starting point and went from there.  Not my favorite creation of all time, but it will work for Lily's teacher for next week's last day.

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Happy Valentines Day with SISTERHOOD OF CRAFTERS!

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