Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How it's going...

Do you ever get this way?  Drowning....sad....overwhelmed....uninspired....low....  I haven't felt this way since my post-pardum with my first daughter.   I've have a genetic dispostion for mild to moderate depression, but am generally able to handle and re-direct that and keep myself up.  Not lately though...and I'd say this is far from moderate....  Since about a week before Easter.  I can't seem to push my way through, and my blog and craftyness has been suffering for it...along with my house....  Stay patient with me....if you can....I'll get back up soon....I will, right?.... 
Until then...well Saturday for the OCC post.... visit some of my favorite places for some inspiration:
Moxie Fab
Paper Crafts Connection
Cherry's Jubilee
To scrap or not to Scrap


calamity jane said...

As one with a similar situation, I'll be thinking of you. Hoping that you'll see some sunshine in your path soon.

Suzie McFloozy said...

I also have been feeling particularly lack lutre recently with an "oh I really can't be bothered" attitude to almost everything from crafting to housework and even socialising, all of which {especially the socialising part !} are very unusual for me.

I set off, around blogland, to find my mojo at the weekend and think I am finally recovering it and the rest seems to be slowly slotting into place again too - I hope you find your happy path to walk again soon x

Know that you are never alone in our crafty little blogland x

((hugs)) ((and some extra))
Suzie xoxo

Unknown said...

I have several friends who suffer from depression, I know it can be devastating. Lots of prayers are being sent your way. Please know there are people that care in blogland! And thank you for trusting us enough to reach out to us:)

Robbie said...

One day at a time, one hour at a time and maybe even one moment at a time. Get outside, walk some and cut down (or out) sugars. It will be refreshing and healing. Just do it! Praying for you...

Toni K said...

I feel ya. So sorry you are going through this. I have been there. Always there to some degree, but as you know, some days are better than others. I hope you can come out of this soon. I have a tendency to go into my craft room when I'm depressed, but leave the house to fall into ruins.
Thanks for sharing. Don't minimize the amount of help your friends can give you, even if it's on the computer :) Hugs!

Sherry'sPaperie said...

Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry you're going through this. As I well know, having to deal with any persistent/chronic illness is a drain on your mind and body (even more so with depression. Just cut yourself some slack and spend time with that new little person in your life. Everything except, food and diapers can just wait. Take care and let us know how it's going.

Rebecca Ednie said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I've gone through some very, very serious depression before so I can empathize. From so far away, I'll I can say is I will be thinking of you. If there is anything more constructive I can do, just let me know!

Gina said...

I so empathize with you. I had post-partum depression with each of my girls -- and the last time I thought it was going to do me in. It took everything in me to not drive my car off a bridge...and then as soon as I got over it, I got pregnant again! I still have bouts of mild to moderate depression where I am in a massive funk about *everything* from creating stuff to housework. And I hate it! I hope this passes soon for you - and if it doesn't, please talk to someone about it! sending hugs your way. :)

AAA Cards sketch challenge using ALTENEW!

 Hi all! Super quick card today for AAA Cards challenge !   Small stencils, stamps or dies are perfect for this challenge.  I used Altenew...