Saturday, September 3, 2011

School struggles and the OCC challenge

Hello Ladies!

It's another challenge at Our Creative Corner.  This week the challenge is hosted by Holly, one of our new DT members and it's a fun one!  The challenge is to make a creation with stamping on pre-patterned paper.  This is a technique I need to do more often, I love the look.

This creation I used patterned paper scraps to make a base like Betsy Veldman did here.  I stamped the circle with white pigment and heat embossed it on my scrap paper and die cut it out.  I didn't think the stamped image stood out enough so I gently rubbed some Soft Suede on it to help it stand out.  I also stamped the apple image on the background paper just to make it  more "school-y". 

I made this for my oldest daughter....This is her the morning of her first day of school....  She started 2nd grade this year at a new private school.  She's really having a hard time with the change.  I know it's what's best for her education, but watching her struggle is heart-breaking.  She's making friends, but doesn't feel like she belongs....perhaps its the uniforms?.....  Having moved several times as a child, I can relate to her fears.  So, my only solace is that I turned out o.k....didn't I?... each time we left our comfort zone.  I'm hoping the little notes I've been sneaking into her lunchboxes gives her a pick-me-up during the day.  All of you that know us, send her happy thoughts over the next few weeks.  Every little good thought will help!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


It's another challenge at Our Creative Corner!  The fabulous Vicki is our hostess again this week with a color challenge.  I decided to create a Halloween card, I had these fabulous ghosts with gray book print on it and just had to use it for this challenge. 

I stamped the concave die cut  with Going Grey and antiqued it to match the ghost.  The letter are stickers I had to paint, since I didn't have any red letters and I wanted then to stand out.  The background is wood grain embossed with white craft rubbed along the edges with red stitching around it.  I love halloween, you get to pretend to be someone else for a night.  It's like being onstage again...

Head over to the OCC and check out what the rest of the DT team came up with, then get your craft on and join us!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

OCC Sketch challenge

*Please excuse the quality of these photos.  My camera is on strike and my back-up one is on vacation with my in-laws, so I had to use my phone.*

Hello ladies!  It's Our Creative Corner challenge time again and the lovely Vicki is hosting this challenge this week.  She has created this sketch for us to use.  I have to say, it's a layout I LOVE to use....of course every time I've done it, it's on the of my first cards accepted for publication was almost this exact layout!....and I have another one with it coming out soon...

This week I decided to use this DCWC paper I've had laying around for a while.  I love the color combinations in this pad; yellow, green, tan, silver, black and lots of glitter!  The only thing I didn't like about this card is the stitching.  Next time I think I'd do a silver thread instead.  The black is too much and seems to throw it off the balance....hummm.....
Anyhoo - go check out what the amazing OCC team has come up with, Jen's is a knock out!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's Juicy!!!

Hello again ladies, I'm the hostess again this week at Our Creative Corner!  This time, I thought I'd take it easy on tricks up my sleeve....  I have another inspiration photo from my trip to the Green Market in Copenhagen.  

Imagine if you will - a Walmart sized building FILLED with fresh produce, ONLY fresh produce.  Boxes of cherries, nectarines, peaches, elder berries, mini watermelons, strawberries, fruit I had never seen before, the colors, the smells....amazing!  I took a few photos of the gorgeous fruit boxes, each little piece of juiciness just waiting to be baked into a danish....hee, hee....  
I had so many options for this, so many in fact, I think I'll end up making another creation for this challenge!  But for now, I wanted to make another CAS type card.  
I started with a clear window sheet and wanted the card to have a little surprise to it, like this one I made last week.  The doily has the sentiment stamped on it and it is adhered to the inside of the card.
On the outside of the card, I used my new PTI Melon fruit die and stamps for the watermelon.  It's hard to tell from the photos, for the seeds I used black Stickles for a little shimmer.  I added a little shabby bow and it's as cute as can be!  I think I'm going to make cookies to match I just need to make them for someone 'cause lordy  knows I don't need to eat them.  Now, please join us for our challenge - it's juicy!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm hosting the challenge again this week at Our Creative Corner, and again I'm using my trips as the inspiration for this challenge.

When I was there, I had the most amazing opportunity to go to the Green Flower Market.  A HUGE warehouse with lots of vendors selling my favorite!  Think 2 Walmarts put together and you'll get the idea of the amount of space they had....amazing.....  It's a shame they don't have something like that here in Ohio, on second thought, I think I would spend all my money of flowers instead of paper. 

I took a ton of photos of my visit there and of all the lovely flowers I saw blooming around the city.  Those photos are the inspiration for this weeks challenge, HOWEVER, you cannot use any flowers in your creation....I know, I'm a stinker....  

I used 6 different patterned papers to create the background for The Shabby Tea Room  Mix and Match challenge this week. It was harder than I thought, but I like how it came out.  
This is for my dear sweet BFF Cristy.  Thursday was her birthday and I made a surprise visit to see her and take her out for lunch with some of her other friends.   We always have the most amazing time together, even if its just hangin' out watching Amazing Race.  We have been friends for over 20 years and will have many more years of fun, tears and sharing to come!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thanks type

This is a fun little creation I made a while back that I just realized I hadn't shared with you yet!  Isn't it a fun one?  It was really easy to make, perhaps I'm turning into a CAS crafter instead of shabby-cutesy....hum.....

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Smiles across the miles

Hello ladies!
Greetings from the 'top of the glove'!  Now many of you may be scratching your heads....unless you're from the midwest, then you totally get it....but I'm up in Petoskey Michigan visiting my DH's parents.

Since I knew I would be out of town this week, I did all my fun creating last week!  This is my favorite creation from my paper marathon, for this week's Our Creative Corner challenge and All Things Unity Summer Felling challenge. Spotting hot air balloons is my favorite summer activity with the girls when were on a road trip. 
Now, this is Sarah Gough's last week with us so be sure to send her some much deserved kudos for all her hard work at the OCC.

Monday, July 25, 2011


It's been fun creating for challenges again!  I'm really enjoying my creating's always therapeutic....  This is a quick one I made for this weeks Case Study challenge.  The challenge is to make your own background like this month's muse, Dawn Wolesagle did.  Check out her creation here

I decided to use my new PTI Chevron background builder set for the main background....LOVE it!....and the stripes from PTI Retro backgrounds for the yellow band.  The flower I made myself with lots of messy fabric was stuck everywhere....  I'm diggin' how it came out!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Heart Flutter

*Click here if you're looking for my Our Creative Corner DT creation*

Can you believe this is my 3rd post today?  I was able to get a few more craftin' hours in while the girls napped....ahh the silence....  This creation is for the All Things Unity challenge #35.  The challenge is to incorporate twine, ribbon and/or burlap - I was able to get in all 3!...I'm good, I know ;)....  I love to use burlap and ribbon in my creations, but I have a confession to make.  I've never used Bakers Twine.  I KNOW!  What's wrong with me?!?  I've just never had the chance to pick it up.

These Unity stamps are the ones I won for the 2010 World Card Making Day contest over at Paper Crafts.  It's always fun to use these stamps, they're cute and easy to use.  If I were to do it again, I wouldn't add the rhinestone.  I tried to take it off, but it started to rip the paper.  It's just too big.

Hey puppy

Do you have kids?  Are they like mine, the walk around with their favorite little friend....everywhere....  It occasionally gets misplaced and life as we know it comes to a screeching halt until it is recovered?  Both of my girls have one....yes, my oldest is 7 and she still has hers....  Do they have cute names for them?  My girls don't they're generic, 'Pink baby' and 'Puppy' creative....

Elizabeth and her 'puppy' inspired this birthday card.  I wanted to create another card for Moxie Fab's Fanatical for Botanical challenge, and thought I'd combine some cutesy things with the botanical image.  I think this will be a great card for Elizabeth and 'puppy' to give someone....or I'll save it for her birthday....

Puppy Birthday
Cardstock: ivory 110lb
Patterned papers: Lullaby (Websters Pages),  Love note (Pink Paisley)
Stickers:  My Girl Quite Contrary (My Minds Eye), Lullaby (Websters Pages); pink scalloped (SU!)
Accents: resin flower (Pink Paisley), white paint
Fibers: white string

Bee the B's

Howdy do!  Are you staying cool in this heat wave?....110 heat index today.....  Good reason to stay inside and be crafty and join us at Our Creative Corner for our challenge this week.  Sarah Gough is our hostess this week, and the theme is All the B's.  You need to use her 4 B's: Black, Bling, Buttons and Bows.  It's not as hard as you'd think.  Check out all the DT's creations here for inspiration.

I decided to add to the B theme....a bit literally....with Botanical but use it in an unexpected way.  Instead of making it vintagy or shabby....the natural style for a botanical creation....I tried my hand at a CAS type creation, keeping it simple with limited goes against my natural instincts....  I was inspired by Cath at Moxie Fab add this final B....with her current challenge, Fanatical about Botanical

I kept it fairly simple and like it that way....surprise....  The bee image is from an embellie package from Pink Paislee.  It looked like a flashcard for a 1st grader.  I cut out the image and added a little bit of black Stickles...though it's hard to tell....for some bling shimmer on the bee and along the black edges of the image.  Enough to add some shimmer, but still keeping it simple.  Now it's your turn, beat the heat and join me for both challenges!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

One of those days....

***This is not a creative post, just one that you may relate to****

Today was one of those days...actually the last week....CRAZY!  Last week started with a sick cat...poor Oscar...worked the weekend at my former job....4 weddings in 6 hours.....and just 3 hours ago, my dear beloved 2 year old got a hold of the cat's meds and ate them.....she's fine, I'm not....

Serenity now.  I need one of these, or perhaps 2....

Monday, July 18, 2011

Case Study

It's going to be a SCORCHER here in the Midwest, so I'm keeping the kids inside until the early evening.  Then we'll head down to the pool to keep cool.

Until then I thought I'd post a creation I made for Case Study.  This weeks challenge is based on this creation from Dawn Woleslagle.  I used her Kraft and white inspiration....instead of Kraft on white I did white on Kraft.... with added touches of a creamy gold.  It's a sweet little card, just a note!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Copenhagen Inspiration

Happy Saturday ladies!
First, I have to thank everyone for all the sweet comments you made on your blogs for last week's Our Creative Corner challenge I created!  I think many of you were a little weary to try it, but the ladies that joined the party....WOW!  Every single one was beautiful and you all seemed to really love the challenge.  I'm still going thru and commenting on everyone's creation and will post the winner on Wednesday at the OCC.

I am again the hostess this week at Our Creative Corner and this week I have a challenge for you that's close to my heart!  Copenhagen.  My dear BFF lives over there and I have had several opportunities to visit her there.  The city is old, charming and inspiring, hence, how I came up with this challenge.  Your job this week is to make a creation based on one of the photos below but the catch is, you CAN'T use any pre-printed papers. Make sure you let us know which photo inspired your creation and get creative.  Now, break out those stamps, embossing folders and fabrics, I can't wait to see all you come up with!  Wanna see my creation?

Since I've done the whole 'tourist' thing there before, I spent more time experiencing the life of a resident of this luscious city.  Most residents walk, bike or use public transportation...mostly because a tank of gas is about $150...OUCH.... so Anne and I took a long walk throughout the city.  It was a nice day, we spent it chit-chatting about life, had dinner at a FABULOUS gallery/restaurant and put about 7 miles in.  It was overcast and a tad chilly, but that's summer in Copenhagen!  These are just a few of the photos I took on that walk.  My favorite part of the jaunt was the harbor and our stroll along the water, so I used that photo for my inspiration. 

This is my interpretation of a CAS card.  I couldn't stop adding clouds, or waves for that matter...I tend to overwork things....  It's cute, I LOVE the American Craft felt embellies.  I hope we were able to inspire you to join us for this weeks challenge.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bargin Hunter

That's what I am.  You all know it, I've talked about my 'never pay retail' rule...never...ever...  It does get hard when purchasing my paper craft supplies.  I like to get the hottest items asap for my publication submissions, so I search...and search...for the best bargain on what I want.  Generally I shop online or a local craft discount store but I end up needing to wait a month or so until things go on sale.  

 Enter Pumpkin Spice, their motto - Memories are Priceless, budgets are not.  *LOVE IT* ...This site is right up my alley....  Bargains galore!  Everything is always 30% off or had me at hello....and they carry tons of great brands *BONUS*!   AND, as I was perusing their site yesterday, I saw they were on the hunt for a new Design team and thought I'd throw my hat in the ring.  I'm a little late for the party....the deadline is Friday....I did my craftin' on during the girls naps and was able to whip out 5 cards for their DT call.  Can I share them with you?  Grab a cuppa joe this is gonna take a while...

Recently I had a post about my craftin' style....a little bit shabby, a little bit cutesty....I'm pretty consistent with my style, but being a Fine Arts major, I do appreciate and sometimes go outside my norm.  CAS is foreign to me, but I do occasionally pull one out like this.   I love to use all kinds of papers, My Minds Eye, Cosmo Cricket, Echo Park, American Crafts, Websters Pages, the list goes on for miles.  I am really drawn to bright fun, graphic me, I'm fun!.... but can never seem to get a cohesive creation made with them.  The Shabby, Cutesy ones come natural, but tend to be not my personality...  I love to embellish with items I've made or dyed but love the convenience of coordinating embellies too.  

Enough babbling, on to the creations!  This is a subdued shabby creation.  The BoBunny paper from the Timepiece collection inspired the direction on this one. 

I added the My Minds Eye Quite Contrary Little Boy Blue Day Dream paper behind it for a masculine color and kept the embellies simple....well the bow isn't really simple....  The script panel is My Minds Eye, Stella & Rose Mabel Love Letters, I border punched the edge and inked it with Soft Suede ink.

Now you'll have to forgive me, for some reason the perimeters of the call slipped my mind...I had a brain fart....and forgot that I needed to use 2 different papers from 2 different lines on my creations.  So, the next cards have different papers but from the same vendor....some from different lines though....  At least you can see how much fun I had today!  This is a cutesy card using that same My Minds Eye Quite Contrary Little Boy Blue Day Dream paper and coordinating stickers.  

The scallops the owl and the buttons are all from that sticker sheet, aren't they cute?  I added a little crochet lace and stitching to make it 'me' and there you have it!  Cutesy cute!

This is my favorite and the quickest card I made today.  The Baha Breeze color is so me and I love the My Minds Eye Meadow Lark 'Dawn' Cards paper.  One side of it is the script, the other a whole slew of tags just waiting for me to use! 

I added my favorite fabric doily which I dyed dark grey, seam binding ribbon and handmade pin details.  Then I inked the bird to make it stand out a little bit more.  I think this took all of 15 minutes to make and I know exactly who this is heading off to tomorrow!

Can you tell I like My Minds Eye papers?  Here's another one My Mind's Eye Lush Green Houndstooth paper...although I used the polka-dot side....and My Mind's Eye Alphabet Soup Girl 'Lovely' paper

I'm obsessed with the argyle, I'd dress my kids in it everyday if I could...and if they wouldn't get beat up for it ;)...  It's another cutesy one, with my glitter dragonfly....hello lover....some gingham ribbon and another fav of mine, a doily...of course...

Last but not least, it's shabby time.  These papers are from the BoBunny Gabrielle collection, which if your shabby at heart, you have to get!  It's *FABULOUS*!  I was even able to get my hands on the Gabrielle Trinkets to match, see that cameo?  That's it there.  BoBunny is really starting to get my attention here.

Finally, to really get your heart pumpin', let me show you some comparison shopping numbers.  The BoBunny Gabrielle 6x6 paper pack retails for $5.99...of course I didn't pay that....  Since I didn't have time to order my things from Pumpkin Spice, I had to pay $4.95...not great, but not my local discount craft it's not Michael's, I said discount....  Pumpkin Spice's everyday low price is $4.19!  Hello, bargain!!!! I'm telling you, save your pennies...and your gas...and get your things there.  I know I am.


Thoughts of You:
CardStock: Early Espresso (SU!)
Patterned Paper: Timepiece collection (BoBunny); Quite Contrary, Little Boy Blue and Stella & Rose, Mabel Love Letters (My Minds Eye); label (Martha Stewart)
Ink:  Soft Suede, Chocolate Chip Handsome Hunter (SU!)
Stamp Set: Tag Time #4 (PTI)
Tools: Friskar's border punch
Accents: assorted buttons
Fibers: Brown twill (May Arts)

Cutesy Owl
CardStock: Crumb Cake (SU!)
Patterned Paper: Quite Contrary, Little Boy Blue (My Minds Eye)
Ink:  Chocolate Chip (SU!)
Stamp Set:  Up, Up & Away (PTI)
Stickers: Quite Contrary Little Boy Blue (My Minds Eye)
Fibers: crochet lace and hemp twine

Hello Birdie
CardStock: Baha breeze (SU!)
Patterned Paper: Timepiece collection (BoBunny); Meadow Lark Dawn Cards Paper My Minds Eye
Ink:  Baha Breeze, Basic Black (SU!)
Stamp Set:  Think Big Favorites (PTI)
Tools: corner rounder punch (SU!)
Accents: handmade pins, white button
Fibers: aqua seam binding (Snug Hug); aqua embroidery floss (DMC); fabric doily

Hello Arglye

CardStock: Whisper White (SU!)
Patterned Paper: Alphabet Soup Girl 'Lovely' and Lush Green Houndstooth (My Minds Eye)
Ink:  Old Olive (SU!)
Stamp Set:  Think Big Favorites (PTI)

Stickers: Quite Contrary Mary, Mary 'Wonderful' (My Minds Eye)

Fibers: Red gingham ribbon; white string
Accents: orange button; glitter dragonfly; doily

Merci Gabrielle
CardStock: River Rock (SU!)
Patterned Paper: Gabrielle Collection (BoBunny)
Ink:  Soft Suede, Craft White (SU!)
Stamp Set:  Think Big Favorites (PTI)

Tools: bunting die (Spellbinders)

Accents: handmade pins, Gabrielle Trinkets (BoBunny); white button; doily

Fibers: pink seam binding (Snug Hug); Brown twill (May Arts); hemp twine

Saturday, July 9, 2011

White Party!

It's another challenge week at Our Creative Corner and I get to be your hostess!  I love to create challenges, and really LOVE this one!  It's going to be a tuffy, but you'll love the results I guarantee it....I'm sounding like a commercial here... 

Now, my favorite summer events are garden parties, you know the ones when everyone wears white? That's my inspiration for this week's challenge, we're having a White party! I don't know about you, but I LOVE white! The challenge is for you to ONLY use white in you creation. Think it will look flat? Enhance the color with textures and patterns. Check out these photos for inspiration...

If you're having trouble figuring this out, do what I did.  Gather up all your favorite items in white, and put them in a pile. 

Once you see them all together, pull out the things that definitely DON'T work, then you're left with items to work into your project. 

 Put in a bit of your creative genius, and voila'!  A fantastic all white creation! 

Now head on over the the OCC and see what the other members of our talented design team won't be sorry you did...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Christmas in July

It's another challenge week here at Our Creative Corner!  Last weeks entries were amazing - we are busy going thru them all to pick out new members of the DT.  This week's theme is Christmas in July, which was perfect 'cause my hubby gave me a gift when I got home late Wednesday night.  A surprize trip to my hometown to visit friends, go to baseball games and parties!  So after 1 night in my bed, here I am in Pburg doing my post!

This card is a bit special, it is in this month's Paper Crafts Stamp It issue!  I love this style, you can use any sentiment to create this, add a simple embellie and viola!  A CAS card! .....a rareity for me....

Alright, now make a 4th of July card or get started on your Christmas cards and share them with us!  Hope to see you there!

Inspired by the fabulous KRISTINA WARNER!

  Hi all! Have you ever participated in an on-line live class?  I recently participated in the Pinkfresh Studio Create and Connect and absol...