Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year Strangers!

Hello all!  Happy and healthy new year to you all!....healthy being the operative word there....  I'm sorry I was MIA for the month of December.  I am planning on getting into my craftin' spot now that my ordeal is over.  Here's an update...

I ended up having to have my urethra stint in for 25 days, a few days longer than planned.  The first 10 days after the surgery we very painful.  Apparently when they broke up the stone with the laser to dislodge and remove the stone, a few little pieces were left in the urethra.  I had to pass them....eeekkkkk....  Not quite as painful as the blocked kidney stone pain....on a scale of 1-10 they are 10-10.5....but more like a 8.5-9.  VERY painful, but no retching.  On day 9 I called the doctor and begged them to take the stint out, but no go on that.  The next day the extreme pain was gone and the next 15 days were less uncomfortable.  I spent the holiday feeling like I had a really bad UTI and like I had been donkey kicked in the left side.  More like a 3-4 discomfort, very little 'pain'. 

I was finally able to get the stint out this past Tuesday....not anything I wasn't fun and I was again laid up for about 24 hours.  I'm now almost healed, just a few pains here and there, nothing to keep me from my daily activities.  I'm grateful the experience hasn't left me needing more medical care.  I'm healing and although it was scary and ultimately inconvenient for my family, we all came through it ok. 

Thanks to all of you that sent me well wishes and could relate to my experience.  I hope you are all still out there, I promise to make something for you to see soon! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A kidney stone and the US health care system at work

It's been a trying week.  I want to thank ALL of you that gave me your well wishes on my health issue last week - I really needed your prayers!  Since several of you asked I thought I'd explain what happened.  So, this is NOT a crafty post, but it's not gory either.  I'll have the winner and a crafty post tomorrow.

First, I woke up with a start on Monday....that's a week ago about 5:50 a.m. with some pain.  At first, I thought it was 'womanly' pains, but I don't have those anymore....thank you Mirena....I was confused.  Then it got WORSE.  After vomiting and moaning....screaming....with pain for 45 minutes....while my dear, wonderful husband took care of the girls....I crawled back into bed covered in sweat, but the pain had lowered.  I realized what it was - a kidney stone. 

I had a kidney stone in my early 20's,  just one, and that passed in a 1 - 4 hour episode.  The memory of that pain was 'burned'....engraved, tattooed, stamped, etched, carved....into my memory.  But unlike the one 20 years ago, I had 2 more episodes that day.  Hummmm....that was different.  Next, 3:33 a.m. Tuesday, in the bathroom again, vomiting and in MAJOR pain.  By the grace of God, my in-laws are in town.  DH called them to watch the kids and we were off to the ER.  Now when I say ER, I mean the luxury 'boutique' hospital that opened a few  years back.  Bouns - quick ER was 3 am after all....Little did we know, that choice would make this experience last 3 weeks longer.

....They give you excellent pain meds in the ER just so you know....   After ushering me into a private ER room with personal escort, they took blood, had me pee in a cup and ordered 'films'.  One $$$$ CAT scan later showed that I had a 7MM stone that was wedged in my urethra just below my kidney....nothing was getting by that sucker....  The ER doctor said it was a 'good size' stone and 3 hours later, we were heading back home with prescriptions and a 'referral'.  LEARN FROM MY MISTAKE.   Here's why I say that....

If we had gone to a bigger, well staffed hospital, they would have scheduled the stone removal as soon as a urologist could consult and an OR was available.  We know I didn't go that route, so allow me to continue my story....

I slept the rest of the Tuesday while my hubby worked a 12 hour shift and my in-laws took care of the kids....thank you....  I called first thing Wednesday morning for an appointment with the urologist the hospital referred us to, it was scheduled Thursday at 1:30 p.m..  I had 2 more episodes that day. 

Thursday, I felt pretty good!  On a scale of 1-10, I was a 6-7....episodes are generally 9.5-10....and pain was controlled with the pain meds the ER doc gave me.  I talked with the urologist and he took another set of 'films'.....this time just x-rays..... and it confirmed the size and the fact that it hadn't moved - at all.  Remember when I said I had a 7MM stone?  That is actually is more than DOUBLE the normal size of a kidney stone, much to large to pass on its own. .....THIS is when a real hospital would schedule an OR.... The doctor discussed my options....sonic waves vs. laser vs. retraction....and he suggested doing the Lithotripsy, aka: sonic wave treatment.  Cool....easy and painless....he shuffled me off to the scheduler, she took my number and said she'd call before 5 p.m.  with my treatment time, it was currently 3:15 p.m.  At 4:50 p.m., she called.  I was scheduled for 11:30 on TUESDAY....yes, that was 5 days away from then....  Here's how the conversation went from there:

     Me: TUESDAY?  You mean I have to go through the weekend with this pain?
     Nurse:  Yes.
     Me:  5 days....vomiting pain....
     Insensitive nurse:  Well.... he gave you a prescription for pain meds.
     Me:  Yes, but that doesn't take away the pain....
     Stupid, insensitive nurse:  You can take more than 1 pill if you're hurting or go back to the ER for a pain shot.
     Me:  IF I'm hurting? this time I'm in tears....

That's when I took my health care into my own hands.  My brother-in-law works as a nurse at the hospital we should have gone to and gave me the name of a urologist  with offices in the same building as the hospital.  Since it was after 5pm, I had to wait and call Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. when the office opened.  I explained my situation, how I got their number and that I was desperate for their help.  The doctor had procedures planned starting at 11:00 that day, and if I could get in right away he could see me.  I checked in at 9:50 am, while having an episode with hubby and 3 year old in tow.  After waiting 2.5 hours....he did have to squeeze me in....and 2 episodes later, I must have looked quite terrible, 'cause he admitted me immediately....without seeing any 'films'.... and put me on his surgery schedule for that day.  I finally got into the OR at 5:00 p.m.  What he discovered was that my stone, didn't want to leave me.  It had wedged itself into a curve of my urethra and was blocking  my kidney off from extracting all the loveliness that kidneys extract.  After 5 attempts with lasers and scopes, a hole in my urethra and a stint, he was finally able to get it out.....I love him, really, love....  This whole experience will be over in 3 weeks when I can get the stint removed.

What I learned from this experience:
First: Go to a real hospital ER, even if it's filled with drug addicts and crazy people and you have to wait for hours.  They will have all the things needed to help you.  Had I gone to the real hospital on Tuesday, I would have had the Lithotripsy done that day.  Since I didn't get in until late Friday, the machine was unavailable.

Second:  You are your best advocate.  If you don't like the answer  you are getting from one doctor, go to another one.

Third:  Drugs in moderation are your friend.  Especially if you're at a level 9-10.  Use them.

Finally:  Stupid, insensitive nurses should all be forced to experience long, drawn out pain without meds.  ....perhaps bamboo shoots under their nails....Only for my entertainment and satisfaction.  That's all.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Midnight - tonight!

The date for the end of the giveaway was a little mixed up, so I'm extending my blog hop giveaway of the Paper Crafts Magazine Card Creations:Get Inspired issue until midnight tonight!  Keep making those comments on my original post here so I can include you in the list.  See you all tomorrow with the winner!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Paper Crafts magazine presents Card Creations:Get Inspired Blog Hop

Happy Holidays Blog Hop Peeps!  I can't believe it's already December!....where does the time go?....  It's an exciting month isn't it?  Card Creations: Get Inspired, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years....Did I mention Card Creations: Get Inspired?  That's the news I've been waiting to tell you about!

It's an all new publication from Paper Crafts based on their very popular Get Inspired column featuring cards inspired by everyday things.  Like shoes, throw pillows, shoes, sweaters, mirrors, shoes, plates and cups, jewelry....did I mention shoes?....the list goes on.  I bet you didn't realize there's so much around you to inspire fantastic paper creations?  I had SO much fun creating for this are my favorite things to inspire my creative side.... They gave us 40 different photos of typical things you'd find, well, anywhere, and asked for literal and interpretive creations inspired by them.  I tried to make 2 for each all the photos....80 total.....BUT..... I only got 35 done....tee hee....  It was SO much fun!  Some were really easy to create from, but others were really hard.  I found the literal creations the easiest to make on most of them, however my favorite creations were the ones I took creative licence with.

Now here we are today!  I was one of the lucky ones invited to participate in Paper Crafts, Card Creations: Get Inspired blog hop!  Our challenge today was to take a photo of something from our own home to inspire a new creation.  Since I am a decorator and have loads of homes I help out for the holidays, I decided I HAD to use my holiday mantle as my inspiration for my creation for this....its so glittery and sparkly....I love it!  There is NOTHING I love more than to over-stuff my mantle with fabulous ornaments, each sparkly and gorgeous....*yum*....

I don't use tradtional color combos for my holiday decor, and have used it to inspire other paper creations....check out my 2010 Stampin Royalty card here.....  My favorite time in this room is at night, a fire roaring, lights twinkling, spiked caramel apple cider in my mega mug....*aahhhh*....Keeping to the parameters of the original challenge they gave us, I choose to make 2 creations, one literal and one interpretive!....since I'm currently bed-ridden with a kidney stone, I had time....

This is the literal creation....can't you tell?....  I've had these fabulous holiday words for a year now and am excited to be finally using them.  I didn't have 'believe' so I used 'Christmas' instead.  Wanna know how I made the lush 'ornament' garland along the bottom?

1. Gather up your items.  Large and small glue dots (Zots), glitter (Martha Stewart), buttons, pearls or rhinestones and your card..  FYI - I used the Cuttlebug houndstooth folder for the top panel of my card.

2.  Cut your strip of large glue dots to separate each one (this makes it easier to place them where you want).

3.  Adhere 3 glue dots in a random pattern (not to close together).  Sprinkle with same color glitter.  Repeat 3 times.   If wanted - Add small glue dots and add dazzling diamonds glitter.   *TIP* when adhering the glue dots, plan on clustering 1 of each color in a loose group.

4.  Embellish with buttons, pearls and rhinestones.

Lush and lovely!  I did the happy dance when it was finished - *LOVE it*

Now, on to the interpretive one....and my favorite....a little shabby chic creation with lots of whites and I've added in the glitter and sparkle with the sentiment and the pin.  See that fan-tab-ulous shimmer paper?  Sorry, I picked it up on my recent trip to Copenhagen, but it's made by Annie P Paperie.  I think there may be a place in New York....for those of us on this side of the pond....check out her fabulous things here.

Have you been inspired?  I certainly hope so!  As a thank you for joining me today, leave a comment below and you'll name will be entered into a drawing for a copy of this fabulous issue!  THEN visit the Paper Crafts Connection blog and be entered to win an AWESOME new Martha Steward tool, the Craft Station!  The Craft Station includes a 12”x12” LED light table and glass cutting mat, a cutting shuttle and movable ruler arm, three cutting blades and cartridge, a metal stencil, a stylus, five 12”x12” tracing templates, a cutting knife and an alignment guide. Retail price is $165 - AWESOME!!

Now head off to Lorena's blog and check out all her inspiration!  If you got lost, here is the list of the ladies on the blog hop:

Don't forget you can find inspiration in anything around you.  Don't believe me?  Check out the Card Creations: Get Inspired and you'll see how easy it is.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Howdy ladies!  I have a little reprieve from work today, not because I want to though, my oldest has Lice....*eck*!....  After 3 hours of pickin' hair like a monkey, I needed a little creative break.  I've begun working on my Etsy site, so that's what most of my time went to, however, I wanted to show you something I made a little bit ago.  Just a little something inspired by....well, I can't tell you that yet....but I promise to let you know what that's about as soon as I can!

I've also started posting new things on my Etsy account!  Lots of my creations from publications will be on there too...  Since you're a special friend of mine, mention BLOGPEEPS in the buyers comments and receive FREE shipping!  I'll be posting new supplies and holiday kits later this week, all are packaged and ready to go.  Just you wait until you see it all....

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How are all you bleeps out there?  I know I've been MIA, but for good reason.  My decorating and event planning activities have been keeping me VERY busy.  I've been burning the candle at both ends....and a bit in the middle for good measure!....  I just returned from Florida, decorating  a home down there....with a short 3 hour visit to the beach....busy shopping for furniture and accessories.  Starting this week, I will begin working 60-70 hours a week from now until after Christmas, decorating people's homes for the holidays and several holiday and wedding events! 

So what does this mean?  Well, I am planning on taking a short hiatus from Our Creative Corner. Only until after my last big event that is the last week of February.  The last event is a bit's my 4-0 birthday party....but the rest are for clients.  I will be back on the DT starting March 1st.  I will continue to post my creations as I go....I have some exciting ones from publications to show you....but with balancing my work schedule, family and home demands, I've been unable to full fill my comments and creations at OCC.  This hasn't been fair to you lovely ladies that support and visit me every week, the AMAZING ladies on the design team, and to those of you that participate in our challenges....since I haven't been able to make time to visit you all and give you some love....  SO, be patient with me, I'll still be around, just not consistently on Saturday's.  I'll pop in with creations and party photos as they happen....I'm hoping at least weekly....  and of course keep you informed on any exciting news that may happen.  Make sure you continue to visit the VERY talented OCC design team every week for inspiration. 

This is my last creation until March 1st.  It's for the current Pumpkin Pie challenge.  It was to have a pumpkin image or use SU!'s Pumpkin Pie color in your creation.  I used the latter to make this flower which I LOVE!  This card was inspired by an upcoming special issue from Paper Crafts I just got in the mail on Thursday.  It's AWESOME!!  You'll have to get your hands on it.  Now, be sure to join me in our little corner!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fancy Folds

Hi Ladies!
Who likes to fold? not your laundry.....  Are you into origami, or creating 3D items with paper?  Then the ladies at Our Creative Corner want to see your creations!  The ultra talented Tui is our hostess this week and she is putting us to the test.  Here is my creation for this challenge.  Tf you've checked out my tutorial, then you have seen the step-by-step for a basket like this.  After much nagging, I had to make one just like Lily's for my youngest daughter that turned 3 this month....she had to have one like her big sister.... I thought this was the perfect chance to get it done.

This basket is put together by folding 4 little boxes and putting them together.  It's easy, but time consuming and totally worth the effort!  She's been hopping around with it 'like a bunny' all day....she's so darn cute....

We are having a Halloween birthday party for her today so I'll share the photos with you later this week.  As always I've gone overboard, but hey, it's my sweet little bebe, so I couldn't resist!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sweet baby face

Hola chickas!....the girls have been watching Dora all day....  Hows your face?  Mine's looking a little more wrinkled than it used to.  I still think I look like I did when I was in high school, but who am I kiddin'?....except for myself.....  Since my face isn't up to par, I thought I'd use a different one for this week's Our Creative Corner Fabulous Face challenge hosted again by Marjie, our super artsy DT member....check out her stuff, you'll know I ain't fibbin....

This is a sweet little frame I made for a friend of mine that had a baby girl.  It had to have some bling and since I'm not much of a scrapbooker, I did this.  Is that not the most adorable child you've ever seen?  Look at those cheeks!  I don't think she's real, it's a vintage drawing, *hello* but adorable!!!  I just want to nibble on them.  Ok enough of that, no go and make a creation using some fabulous faces in your life!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My new mantra....

This is it!  The new reason I'm giving my hubby when he asks "Why do you do this again?"

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Transparency Theory

Hello Ladies!  It's that time again, Our Creative Corner Challenge time!  This week our hostess is fabulous Marjie Kemper and she is challenging us to use transparencies in your creations this week.  I had a hard time getting back into the craftin' groove this week, recovering from the vaca, Rug Doctoring my area rugs on the first floor....I'll give you a hint why, it rhymes with 'bat' and may be sleeping with the fishes when I'm done with him....  But now that it's all done, I'm 1 rug short....uugghhh....and have thoroughly enjoyed spending a few hours in the craftin' spot....*aaahhhhh*......

You all know I love using window sheets for card bases, but decided to spice it up a bit for this one.  I was really able to sit down and enjoy the crafting process this time and brought back my 'shabby' side.  The transparency is from Hambly Studios, its the dress maker forms.  I placed that over a stitched sheet I made with scraps.  I'm LOVIN' how this came out and that life is slowin' down, if only for a few weeks!

Now be sure you head over to the OCC and check out all that the DT has made this week, I've been swooning over each and every one!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Goodbye sweet World....

I'm leaving Disney as you read this....*tear*....  It was so nice to get away with just my hubby for some fun and relaxation.  Back to reality....

I prepared this card before I left for my break from life for this week's challenge at Our Creative Corner.  It's a color challenge and it has some really great colors!
Our hostess Lori really came up a fun fall combo.  I made this card for my in-laws, they took care of the kids for us while we were away.  What a blessing!
Be sure to head over the Our Creative Corner for some great inspiration from our DT!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Apparently you can't check you posts with your cell, otherwise they publish.  So my prescheduled OCC post for Sat. posted today!  I don't know how to take it off with my phone, so I apologize that its early.  I'm still here at Disney and will be back to my post here on the 9th.  Sorry for the mixup!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Say Wi, Merci!

Greeting from EPCOT's Food and Wine Festival!    In honor of World Card Making Day, the challenge this week at Our Creative Corner is to create a card inspired by another country!  I chose France...since I have the fabu 'Merci' stamp from PTI....  It's kind of appropriate that I'm here in EPCOT for this challenge, I'm strolling along, sampling the tasty treats from over 20 countries!...YUMMM....  I think I've gained 5 pounds, and I've only been here 3.5 days!

I made this card before I left this week, and while it's inspired by France, it's not at all Belle Epoche.  Another CAS creation made in my limited time.  I pulled out my old stand by, window sheets to create the card.  I think it's kind of fun!  Now be sure to visit the other ladies on the DT for some inspiration!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wedding teaser

I had many of you ladies wanting to see some photos of the fabulous wedding I did last weekend.  Well, I have video I took on my phone...that I can't get off.  I've tried sending it to my email account, to YouTube, to Picasa, on the web, off the web.  Nothing seems to work, and of course we can't seem to find the doo-hickey that you put your SIM card into for the computer to download.  *sigh*
Tomorrow I leave for my 10 day vaca....without kids, YIPPIE!!!....I will have my hubby make it happen when I get back.  Until then, here are just a few photos from the event this weekend, as well as some photos I hadn't shared yet from the event I coordinated in Copenhagen.
Here are 3 photos of some details from this weekends event.  The DECORATING budget for this event was over $45,000...that includes lighting, furniture, flowers, linens, rentals, etc....that doesn't include food, rental space, band, booze, dress, cars, etc.  The grand total was over $100,000...probably more like $125k.... I think from this teaser, you can tell it's over the top!

The bouquet, garden roses, lily of the valley, lady slipper orchids, scabiosa, white hyacinth and gardenias.  It smelled divine!

 The cake - hello GORGEOUS!!!

The chairs for the bride and groom, just a special little touch.

NEXT - The Copenhagen event was held in a badminton hall....yes badminton.  Apparently it's all the rage in Denmark.  This is the other end of the spectrum, my decorating budget for this event was less than $500.  That included the kid's room.

The tables - looked FABULOUS when the sun went down, which summer in Denmark? - 9:30 pm.

The place cards, fresh green apples!  Yes I wrote them....  And the logo napkin wrap...yes, I made that too!

The menu cards, you guessed  it....

I'll still have my creations for Our Creative Corner for the next 2 Saturdays' posted, but please forgive me for not commenting on any of your blogs for the next 10 days, I will be enjoying the Food and Wine Festival at EPCOT!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Short and sweet

Hi ladies!
I'm pooped.  I've been working on a wedding this week for 380 with a budget of about $100,000.  I planned ahead with my creation for this weeks Our Creative Corner sample, but didn't plan the post ahead of time.  I'll post some of the photos so you can see how fab-u-lous it is, but until then....short and sweet. 

This is my card for the Numbers challenge hosted by Sharon.  I hope you'll join us!
I don't know why all my cards lately have been CAS....perhaps 'cause they're fast and I haven't had much time lately?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Go See Do...

Is it getting cooler where you're at?  It is here!  I love fall....chunky sweaters, football games, hot stews, warm bread, the colors....all of it.  Hopefully fall will stay...
It's that time again at Our Creative Corner, Challenge time!  Sharon is our hostess this week with a great challenge.  This week's challenge is titled:  'Not Big on Pink' .  So, for this paper craft challenge, you need to use any shade of blue, and just a touch of pink.  If you need a number, think 1/5 or less in pink.  You must also incorporate some texture, (ie: fabric, ribbon, floss, etc) and a metal piece (ie: brad, push pin, charm, etc.).

I decided to go with something more simple.  I had stamped this airplane image in a repeated pattern to make a chevron background a while back.  I didn't know what to do with it after I made it.  It's been sitting around for about a month now.  I loved the effect, but wasn't sure how I wanted to use it.  Since Sharon's challenge said to use lots of blue,  not a lot of pink, I made a CAS card with this.  The grid panel is actually a Studio Calico fabric strip that I stamped the sentiments on.  I added the buttons for a simple touch and thought I was done...oopps....I forgot one element - the metal!  I had to go back and add some eyelets in black to match....instead of a metal color....

I love this sentiment.  It reminds me of a dear BFF that is a major jet-setter.  She is ALWAYS goin', seein' and doin' AMAZING things!....She's quite fabulous....  Now, she's a bit young to be retiring, but I thought its a great sentiment for someone starting a new part of their lives.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Baby's rejected...

I've finally been able to participate in a magazine call, although I was only able to get 3 done for it.  I had such a hard time getting my creative juices flowin' again....being creative only 1x per week is taking its toll.....Good news is that 2 of my submissions were accepted!....yea!!!.....  AND now that school is back in session, I'm able to get into my craftin' spot more!!....good news all around....

....Nobody puts baby in a corner....This was my attempt for a Cameo Baby card for Paper Craft's Magazine's last call.  I don't really have any cameo stamps except for the little one from PTI's PostMark but I thought the 'fragile' and the 'Handle with Care' sentiments gave it a baby theme....a stretch for a baby card, I know.....   I also had this sketch from Moxie Fab's Horizontal Sketch Challenge in mind when I made it.  I thought I'd enter this in the Just Add Ink - Just Add Baby challenge as well!

I think I'll be craftin' some more this weekend, I've been having so much fun!  Have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

God Bless 911

God Bless the families that lost a loved one 10 years ago today.

God Bless the innocent victims on the airplanes and in the buildings attacked.

God Bless the police officers and fire fighters in New York city and the people on United Airlines flight 93, that they gave their lives to save others.

God Bless the families that are still involved in the protection of our country and our freedoms.

God Bless the leaders of our country, give them the strength, knowledge and integrity so that they may make choices in our countries best interest.

God Bless you, your families and your loved ones, that you may all cherish each other, every second of every minute of every day.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

OCC Windows Challenge?

OK, now I know this isn't a traditional window's item, but here is my thinking...  The challenge that Holly put forward this week at Our Creative Corner, is to make a window on your project with something showing thru a window....I couldn't decide on just one, so I made 2....I'm an over achiever ;)....  I also wanted to be sure I was doing the challenge right!

So this first one has numbers die cut from a panel of kraft cardstock and I added different colored cardstock behind those's the idea of a window, just not a literal interpretation.

My second card is a bit more literal, but it's not a window into the inside of the card.  I made a framed 'window' around my burlap and sequin panel.  Pretty splashie, eh?

 I like them both, but really want to see what you come up with for this challenge.  Are you ready?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

School struggles and the OCC challenge

Hello Ladies!

It's another challenge at Our Creative Corner.  This week the challenge is hosted by Holly, one of our new DT members and it's a fun one!  The challenge is to make a creation with stamping on pre-patterned paper.  This is a technique I need to do more often, I love the look.

This creation I used patterned paper scraps to make a base like Betsy Veldman did here.  I stamped the circle with white pigment and heat embossed it on my scrap paper and die cut it out.  I didn't think the stamped image stood out enough so I gently rubbed some Soft Suede on it to help it stand out.  I also stamped the apple image on the background paper just to make it  more "school-y". 

I made this for my oldest daughter....This is her the morning of her first day of school....  She started 2nd grade this year at a new private school.  She's really having a hard time with the change.  I know it's what's best for her education, but watching her struggle is heart-breaking.  She's making friends, but doesn't feel like she belongs....perhaps its the uniforms?.....  Having moved several times as a child, I can relate to her fears.  So, my only solace is that I turned out o.k....didn't I?... each time we left our comfort zone.  I'm hoping the little notes I've been sneaking into her lunchboxes gives her a pick-me-up during the day.  All of you that know us, send her happy thoughts over the next few weeks.  Every little good thought will help!

Visit my NEW Website!

 After twenty years in papercraft and florals, I have finally decided to switch Paperfiori over to a website of my own. Don't worry! All...