Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hello stranger...

It's me....I'm sorry I've neglected you....I've been away....on vacation....at the beach.....and I left my mind buried in the sand...along with about 10 golf balls.  But now I'm back.  Are you glad to see me?  I am heading to my craft room as we speak.  I PROMISE to have many creations here for you very soon. 
Until then, let me bore you with a photo montage of my trip to Petoskey.  The weather was perfection, it almost made me want to move there....almost ;).  We did promise that if we ever won the lottery, we would get a summer place there.  Ahh to dream....

While driving nearly 8 hours up to our golf/family vacation, we spotted this HUGE golf ball being transported somewhere.  We had hoped it would be an omen for a good golf trip...

...but we were wrong.  We played up at Boyne Highlands north of Petoskey. We were able to play 4 times, which is unheard of in our lives... it had been nearly 3 years since I picked up a club.  Golf is like a bike though, even if you haven't ridden in a while, you don't forget the basics.  you won't play well, but you know the basics. This is one of the holes at the Moor, this course was long but not to difficult.  The Ross on the other hand....

was VERY difficult.  Every hole on the front 9 was surrounded by sand bunkers.  On the back nine, it was like Long Boat Key...sand on both sides.  I spent more time in the sand there than when we went to the beach.  Some of the bunkers were like St. Andrews...deep and hard to get out of....5 stokes on one of them...ri-donk-u-lous!  This is a photo of a short par 3 on the course, and there are 2 more bunkers on the other side of the green you can't see here... aren't par 3's supossed to be easy? Crazy.  This is the only hole I made par on the 1st day....I did say it had been 3 years right? 

Surprize!  We found this one hidden in the woods off the course.  We were desperate!

After our fantastic - short - kid free 2 days, we went to the in-laws to hang out with the family.  Here is ny husband teaching my daugher it's ok to put plastic bags on our heads....I was APPAULED when I saw these in the camera.

Then we took the girls to the beach on Little Traverse Bay.  I had never expected to see waves so large there, they were almost as big as the gulf!  We all had tons of fun!
It was a rough 9 hour ride home...very rough.  I'm glad to be home and ready to focus on something new, other than packing and cleaning.  We don't leave for another 2 weeks for our next excursion to Detroit... an exciting vacation spot.
I'll be sure to have things planned this time before I leave so I can have pre-planned posts.  I hope you are all having a fun filled summer like we are!  Filled with sun, fun and the occasional crazy experience!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Back in the saddle again...

WOW it's been a long time since I've created!  Well, actually a little over a week, but it feels like forever!  I received my prizes from my Paper Crafts Magazine Stampin' Royalty win and I've decided to play with them a bit.  I used 3 new things on this card, Tattered Angels Graceful Journey stamps, the matching glimmer screens and their Vintage Pink glimmer mist.  Yes, all these fabulous things came in my prize pack and so much more!  I'm really going to have to get some tutorials on the mist thing, you can't really see it in this photo.  I sprayed it on my Pretty in Pink card stock, which made it look like Regal Rose.  I've seen fabu things with the mist, so I'm not giving up on it!

I made this card for the Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC36.  It's a color challenge blog that I really love.  This week's challenge was pink, white and red, and add a bird element (not required however), but since I had this new image, I inked it up!  I'm glad I was able to sit and enjoy the sights and sounds of the Cafe'!


Hello Ladies!!!

Well, I've been cleaning out my crafting supplies and have TONS of things to get rid of! It's amazing how quickly I can accumulate so much stuff. I know I'm a hoarder of paper and ribbon, but I thought I was doing better. I am of the mind that I HATE to run out of anything when I'm in the middle of a project, so it is better to be prepared. With that being said, my over-preparation will pay off for anyone that picks up any of these great things! I'm getting rid of retired SU! papers, inks, refillers, stamp sets and MORE!

Here's the business stuff:

• All items are first-come, first served so act fast!
• I will update the list daily and all items not sold by July 19 will be posted on Ebay.   I will ship with-in 24 hours EXCEPT for items purchased July 12th - 17th.  Those items will be pulled and held to be shipped on July 19th (I'll be out of town during that time).
• Items will be packed into a 12x12x10 box and shipped USPS priority (non-priority box) by weight unless another way is requested. I will add 75 cents for packaging to the shipping cost.  Buyer is responsible for shipping costs.
• This list is also being sent to my old SU! customers and on SPS and PCP.
• After July 16th, any color bundles not sold as a unit will be broken apart and each item will be sold individually
• All purchases will need to got thru PayPal.  I will send an invoice to the e-mail you give with item and shipping totals.
• Contact me at krzykramer@yahoo.com with questions or if you want to purchase anything!

Loose 12x12 cardstock
Pink Passion – 16 - $4
Pixie Pink – 21 - $5.25
Pale Plum – 29 - $7.25
Orchid Opulence – 20 - $5
Lovely Lilac – 24 - $6
Lavender Lace – 4 - $1
Almost Amethyst – 16 - $4
Bordering Blue – 19 - $4.75
Brocade Blue – 13 - $3.25
Ballet Blue – 16 - $4
Brilliant Blue – 10 - $2.50
Taken with Teal – 31 - $7.75
Glorious Green – 16 - $4
Handsome Hunter – 16 - $4
Sage Shadow – 23 - $5.75
Mellow Moss – 21 - $5.25
Green Galore – 21 - $5.25
Gable Green – 29 - $7.25
Barely Banana – 9 - $2.25
YoYo Yellow – 12 - $3
Summer Sun – 9 - $2.25
Apricot Appeal – 19 - $4.75
Only Orange – 14 – $3.50
Really Rust – 12 - $3
Ruby Red – 17 - $4.25
Cameo Coral – 21 – $5.25
Blush Blossom – 19 - $4.75
Creamy Caramel – 12 - $3
Close to Cocoa – 10 - $2.50

Loose 8 ½ x 11 cardstock
Pink Passion – 13 - $3.25
Pixie Pink – 5 - $1.25
Pale Plum – 4 - $1
Orchid Opulence – 11 - $2.75
Lovely Lilac – 4 - $1
Lavender Lace – 7 - $1.75
Bordering Blue – 6 - $1.50
Brocade Blue – 3 – 75 cents
Ballet Blue – 7 - $1.75
Brilliant Blue – 4 - $1
Glorious Green – 12 - $3
Handsome Hunter – 1 – 25 cents
Sage Shadow – 2 – 50 cents
Mellow Moss – 3 – 75 cents
Green Galore – 10 – $2.50
Gable Green – 2 – 50 cents
Barely Banana – 1 – 25 cents
YoYo Yellow – 2 – 50 cents
Summer Sun – 1 – 25 cents
Apricot Appeal – 8 - $2
Only Orange – 3 – 75 cents
Really Rust – 2 – 50 cents
Cameo Coral – 23 – $5.75
Blush Blossom – 1 – 25 cents
Blue Bayou – 6 - $1.50
Cool Caribbean – 17 – $4.25

Ink Pads – all pads are used and recently re-filled fresh - $2.50
Pink Passion
Pixie Pink
Pale Plum
Orchid Opulence PENDING
Lovely Lilac
Lavender Lace
Bordering Blue
Brocade Blue PENDING
Ballet Blue
Brilliant Blue
Glorious Green
Handsome Hunter
Sage Shadow
Mellow Moss
Green Galore
Gable Green
Barely Banana
YoYo Yellow
Summer Sun PENDING
Apricot Appeal PENDING
Only Orange
Really Rust
Cameo Coral PENDING
Blush Blossom
Blue Bayou
Cool Caribbean
Almost Amethyst
Taken with Teal
Creamy Caramel
Close to Cocoa
Groovy Guava
Soft Sky – NIP - $4

Re-Inkers all $1 unless stated otherwise
Pink Passion - 5/8 full SOLD
Pixie Pink – NIP - $2 SOLD
Pale Plum - 1/3 full
Orchid Opulence – 1/3 full
Lovely Lilac – 1/3 full
Bordering Blue – 1/8 full – 50 cents
Brocade Blue – 1/3 full
Ballet Blue – 5/8 full
Brilliant Blue – 1/3 full SOLD
Glorious Green – ½ full
Handsome Hunter – ½ full
Mellow Moss – 2 bottles equal 1 full one - $2
Green Galore - ¼ full
YoYo Yellow – 1/3 full
Summer Sun - ½ full
Apricot Appeal - ½ full
Only Orange – ½ full
Really Rust - 5/8 full
Cameo Coral – NIP - $2 SOLD
Blue Bayou – NIP - $2 SOLD
Almost Amethyst – ½ full
Ruby Red – ¼ full
Creamy Caramel – 7/8 full - $1.50 SOLD
Close to Cocoa – NIP - $2 SOLD
Groovy Guava – ½ full SOLD
Purely Pomegranate – NIP - $2 SOLD

12x12 UNOPENED Designer Series Paper $5 each
Petals and Paisleys x2

12x12 UNOPENED Simply Scrappin kits $8 each
Just Delightful
Island Blossoms

Stamp Set Bundles
Tags Bundle: Large and Small tag punches, Terrific Tags (s/6) and Terrific Tags Too (s/6) stamp sets $20
Delight in Life bundle: Delight in Life (s/6) stamp set and Just Delightful Simply Scrappin’ Kit $13
Island Blossoms bundle: Island Blossoms (s/12) stamp set and Island Blossoms Simply Scappin’ Kit $18

$3 sets
Sweet Talk s/6
Sweet Spot s/6
Perfect Endings s/4
Alphabet Soup s/4
Lexicon of Love s/4

$5 sets
Background Basics s/4
Perennial Favorites s/4
Stippled Stencils s/4
Simple Circles s/6
Gently Falling s/4
Happy Hearts s/6
Happy Winter s/4

$7 sets
Polka Dots and Petals s/8
Circle of Friendship s/8
Mixed Greetings s/4
Wonderful Words s/4
Little Pieces s/12
All Natural s/6
Crazy for Christmas s/4
In Full Bloom s/9
Riviting s/8
Taggers Dozen s/12

$10 Sets
Double Line Doodles s/9
Barouque Motifs s/6 PENDING[/size]
Dare to be Fabulous s/6
Love Matters s/12
Olive You s/4
All About U s/12
Simply Said s/11
A Greeting for all Reasons s/14
Tag Time s/14
Big Blossom (background)
Paisley (background)
On the Spot (background)
Doodle This s/5
Solemn Stillness s/6
All Year Cheer 1 s/12

$15 sets
Collage Alphabet s/28
Alpha Dots s/28

Thursday, July 1, 2010


What a week it's been, and it's not over yet!  Just to warn you now, this is not a card post.  This is a venting about children post.

I have 2 adorable children - that I have screwed up.  Isn't that the downfall to our job as parents, we do our best, love and cherish them, guide them through life...but somehow, after EVERYTHING we think we have done right; something happens to show us we weren't as great as we thought.  Or perhaps that sweet adorable child becomes more independent, develops a mind of their own, gets influenced by others outside of our control.  Yes...that is what I am blaming this new development on....forces that influenced her beyond my control.

Yesterday, my sweet adorable 6 year old was having a great morning.  She didn't antagonize the baby...not too much anyway...was helpful and loving.  She has had a questionable behavior the last few days, as she is looking forward to her trip with her grandparents, her behavior gets a bit rowdy...to say the least.  But yesterday, my perfect daughter was back.  Ahh the joy....  Around 11:00 she asked if she could go outside and play with the 9 year old neighbor boy and out she went.  I had our sliding glass door open so I could keep my eye on her and they played together well.  Usually when the neighbor boy's sister is home (she is 5), he becomes a pain in the butt older brother, picking on the girls and bothering them.  But this morning, he was sweet and put up with Lily bossing him around.  I fed them lunch and off they went to play some more.  I put the baby down and sat at the kitchen table to take care of some bills.  Taking a break from the calculator, I looked up at Lily and AJ in her playhouse playing with leaves they had picked.  Next thing I knew Lily slapped AJ across the face!!!!  BEYOND shocked and angry, I called both of them down and onto the deck.  Rage engulfed me as Lily began to cry and yell that AJ took one of her leaves.  When she finally made it onto the deck, I asked her "Did you just slap AJ?", "......no".  My blood was now boiling over, as my eyes became larger than softballs and I'm sure blacker than coal.  I turned to AJ, "Did Lily just hit you?", a sheepish nod was my reply, he could tell I was about to explode.

Every fiber of my being wanted to beat the tar out of my child - how could she do this?  Where had she seen such behavior that she would think it was acceptable to show another person such disrespect?  Where had I gone wrong as a parent?  Why did she lie to my face?   I flashed back to when she was a toddler, her hitting another kid for taking a toy in the daycare room at the gym.  That was typical behavior for a child without the words to express themselves, not for a 6 year old going into 1st grade.  I began to ask her the same questions I did when she was 2...'how do you think it makes him feel when you hit him?'...'is it nice to make someone feel that way'...'how would it make you feel if he hit you?'...'what do you think you can do to make him feel better?'  I received the same answers she gave as a child...'sad'...'no'...'sad'...'say I'm sorry'.  She then gave him a sincere apology..thank goodness... and I sent her to her room.  I then apologized to AJ and let him know this will NEVER happen again.

Now, that brilliant bit of parenting I would love to take credit for, but it's not my idea.  It came from my mother and a book she gave me.  Jane Nelson - look her up she is a brilliant coach on parenting skills...so is my mom.  I called my husband to let him know what HIS daughter had just done.  As a fun, loving dad he is great, but as a disciplinarian - he sucks.  We had tickets to take Lily to a fun evening with the players at the ballpark - a rare opportunity for a hitting clinic in the batting cages.  I declared we were canceling this.  His response was, 'just have her stay in her room until the event, then let her go, that will be enough'.  I boiled over...gave him a tongue lashing got off the phone and then calmed myself.  I still need to talk to Lily about her behavior. 

When I was a kid, spanking and grounding was the punishment of choice.  We tried spanking when Lily was younger, just the threat of a spanking was enough to get her in line, for a while.  Then we had to use it.  It is always the last resort and is as heartbreaking to her as it is to me.   We haven't had to spank for nearly a year.  Now that she is 6 and has a younger sister, I try not to use that as her punishment.

As I made the very short trip up the stairs...how did we go from 20 steps to 3?...I began to think about what punishment would make the most impact.  Limit tv? ...yes...no playing outside...oh yes....lock her in her room until she is 20? ...yes, yes, YES!  Grounding was the way to go for the hitting.  Now what to do for the lying?  My anger got the best of me and I decided no trip to grandmas...yes, the ultimate punishment...no spoiling for a full week...a devistating loss. 

I walked into her room, there she sat, red eyed and wet cheeked as I explained her punishment for the hitting.  Stay in her room for the rest of the day and grounded until our weekend trip.  Then I explained that she was also going to be punished for lying to me.  This honestly is what I am most upset about now.  Where did this lying start?  Is it from the little secrets her and Gramma keep?  Is it from kids at school?  I have told her before, I will get more upset about a situation if she lies about it.  When she does something wrong that she knows she will be punished for, don't lie or the punishment will be worse.  Is that the right way to handle this?  I don't know....  We always tell her there is nothing she can ever tell us that would make us not love her anymore.  She is the most precious Lily in the world and we will never love another Lily as much as we love her. 

Well, I didn't say she wasn't going to Gramma's, I told her I had to think about it, she had better be on her BEST behavior.  After I talked to my mom about the situation, she had some great advice.  After dinner, I sat her down with a spiral notebook and had her write 'I will not hit anyone' 27 times (that's how many lines are on the paper).  I must say it made quite an impact.  She spent the rest of the evening in her room writing apology notes to me, AJ and her dad - without any prompting.  And even though they are difficult to read (she just finished Kindergarten and still spells phonetically) they were from the sweet little girl I love, not the stinker from earlier in the day.  Perhaps I am doing something right....only time will tell.

Monday, June 28, 2010

More rejects...

Well, not accepted...I liked them so they're not rejected.  These are 2 more cards I made for the Paper Crafts Call.  They weren't my best creations but are still fun.  I'm also adding these to the Just Add Ink challenge this week, they have some of my favorite DSP papers - Amy Butler and American Crafts I DO. DON'T FORGET to sign up as a follower of my blog! Every follower has a chance to win a $25 Stampin' Up! Shopping Spree when I hit 50 followers!


Getting Oolong

Cardstock: SU! Baha Breeze, River Rock and Whisper White; American Crafts I Do
Ink: SU! Whisper White Craft and Classic Inks Pink Pirouette and Baja Breeze
Stamp Set: Taylored Expressions Creativi-tea
Sentiment: Microsoft Word Edwardian Script and Century Gothic
Accessories: Kasier Craft pearl stickers, Hug Snug pink seam binding ribbon, Ranger Silver Pearl EP, PaperTrey dots embossing plate, grey button, white thread, white gel pen, Friskers border punch

1. Cut and make card
2. Stamp tea pot image on printed cardstock and cut out.
3. Stamp frame onto Baha Breeze paper and cut out. Embellish with white gel pen
4. Print sentiment onto white card stock and punch out end with border punch
5. Emboss Dots to a piece of 5.25x4” River Rock paper. Stitch zig zags along side and bottom. Attach pink seam binding ribbon strip along left side.
6. Assemble all the paper items. Stamp steam and heat emboss with EP. Add pearl embellishments.
7. Add ribbon and button.


Cardstock: SU! Baja Breeze, Pink Pirouette and Whisper White; Amy Butler paper
Inks: SU! Baja Breeze
Sentiment: Microsoft Word Century Gothic and Impact
Accessories: Nestabilities label die; blush buttons; olive embroidery floss; Hug Snug pink seam binding ribbon; lottery ticket; white thread, SU! horizontal slot punch; TOMBO removable adhesive

1. cut and fold cardstock to make card
2. cut printed paper 5.25x4”. Cut Pink Pirouette 4 1/8x5 3/8”. Stitch together along the edges and adhere to card.
3. Cut second printed paper 4x3”. Cut out opening with label die. Stitch around the edges and glue to assembled papers to make a pocket.
4. Cut Baha Breeze ¼” larger than ticket, punch slot and add ribbon embellishment. Adhere ticket to paper using removable adhesive. Slide into pocket.
5. Embellish with buttons and floss.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


One of my new favorite challenges to participate in are the CAS-tastic challenges each Wednesday.  When I saw the most recent challenge, I was really excited to participate.  The challenge is a color combo of blue, yellow and a neutral....by far my favorite combo!   The way this week is looking, there is no way I can do it.  So I've decided to at least post my 2 favorite projects with this color combo, to let them know I loved their challenge.  So these are oldies, but goodies!!!  DON'T FORGET to sign up as a follower of my blog! Every follower has a chance to win a $25 Stampin' Up! Shopping Spree when I hit 50 followers!

Friday, June 25, 2010


It's another submission not accepted.  It's a definate change from my normal cards, not a direction I think I'll do again.  It's cute, just not my style.  I am submitting this to this week's Just Add Ink Challenge, use DSP paper.  The cute Penny Lane paper along the left side I LOVE and had to use it with these chipboard stickers.  DON'T FORGET to sign up as a follower of my blog!  Every follower has a chance to win a $25 Stampin' Up! Shopping Spree when I hit 50 followers!


Cardstock: SU! River Rock, Pink Pirouette, Baha Breeze and Whisper White; My Minds Eye Penny Lane
Inks: SU! Close to Cocoa
Accessories: American Craft letter stickers; Cosmo Cricket chip board stickers; May Arts brown twill ribbon; white thread; SU! corner rounder; pom-pom trim; Paper Trey Wood grain embossing plate; Friskers border punch

1. Cut and fold cardstock to make card
2. Use border punch on printed paper srtip; layer with Baha Breeze strip, pom-pom trim and twill ribbon on left side of card.
3. Emboss Pink Pirouette paper and round corners with punch. Add to center of card and add stitching.
4. Stamp sentiment on Whisper White paper; spell out ‘nuts’ with letter stickers and add stamped sentiment to the bottom.
5. Add sticker embellishments

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I have been creating...

REALLY!!!  I promise!  I've been making creations for the Paper Crafts Magazine call and their e-mail acceptances have gone out...3 of my creations will be gracing the glossy pages!!  I'm BEYOND thrilled!  I feel so special... 
This is my favorite one I submitted that didn't get accepted.  I thought it was so creative and out of the box...goes to show you never know what they are looking for.  I submitted 9 total and 3 were accepted.  I've been hearing how some ladies are getting discouraged...don't give up!!!  Just keep creating, share your knowledge, spread the love, the rest will come - it has for me!  This is also for the Just Add Ink Challenge, use designer paper.  Each of these adorable undergarments were stamped and cut by my little ole' hands...  I just love this card!   DON'T FORGET to sign up as a follower of this blog either thru Blogger or FeedBlitz for your chance to win a $25 shopping spree with Stampin' Up!

Family Additions
Cardstock:  110 white card stock; (SU!) Pretty In Pink, Barley Banana and River Rock cardstock; (Americn Crafts) I Do – Santini Mums and Dahilias,
Stamp Sets: (Taylored Expressions) Hangin’ Out,
Inks: (Stazon) Black Ink, (SU!) Pumpkin Pie Marker, (Pigma) Micron .01 pen

1. Make card from cardstock

2. Stamp images on printed cardstocks and cut out
3. Stamp sentiment on bottom left corner, draw frame and math symbols using black .01 pen
4. Adhere paper pieced items with foam dimensionals

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oh What fun...

I was able to escape life for one day to have some fun with my girlfriends up in my hometown, Perrysburg, Ohio.  These are a great group of women, we laugh, cry, torment (in a fun way), support and counsel each other when ever we get together as a group.  We were missing 2 of our group of 7, (we missed you Kim and Michele) but Cristy, Aimee, Carrie, Jodi and myself had a great time together! 
I also had some fun visiting with Kathleen, my mom's BFF and my adopted mom; got to check out the constuction the new owners are doing on my old house; and a fabu lunch with Cristy at Poco Piatti's(yum!)
I made it home last night so I could spend Father's day with my family and hubby.  We're doing a whole lot of nothin' just what Rob wanted. 
This morning, Elizabeth woke me up around 7:45 - she slept in a full hour!  I guess that's her Father's Day Gift to daddy.  She is full of crazies and I had to share this photo I took of her this morning..  She is obsessed with putting stickers on her forehead (I'm not sure why) and wearing both of these tutu's at the same time.  She walked around like this for about 2 hours.  We're not really sure where she and her sister got their gorgeous blue eyes, Rob and I both have hazel, aren't they stunning?!?!
I'll try to get into my craftin' spot tonight, complete a few challenges and finish the cards for the current calls.  I hope you and your loved ones enjoy this holiday!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Happy Father's day bro!

I got my package out this morning...it's been a crazy one already!  I whipped up another card for my brother Mark for Father's Day.  He's a single father makin' life work with tough situations.  I am so proud of the way he has grown as a man and as a father these last 4 years.  He has really honored his wife's memory.  Happy Father's Day bro - you are AMAZING!!!

Special Father
This card is based on the Paper Crafts Connection Sketch #4 , Stampin' Royalty Challenge #24, Off the Wall Crafting # 11, and for the CAS-tastic Challenge 008 Father's Day Cards.  BOY that's a lot of challenges...I may as well throw in another one...Pile It On Summer Showers ...it's not showers, but the big fluffly blue clouds with a dark sky remind me of a pending rain shower.
DON'T FORGET to sign up as a follower of this blog either thru Blogger or FeedBlitz for your chance to win a $25 shopping spree with Stampin' Up!
Cardstock: SU! Chocolate Chip and Whisper White
Inks:  SU! Soft Sky, River Rick, Chocolate Chip
Stamp Set: Papertey Ink Up, Up & Away
Accessories: Jute twine, brown button, Papertrey Cloud and Ballon dies

Summer fun

I love summer...baseball....the girls playing in the sprinklers....neighbor kids coming over....squirt gun fights....campfires with smores.  That was our day today, fun eh?  Here is a cute photo of Elizabeth playing with the bubble supplies.  
Debbie and the ladies at The Shabby Tea Room have a new challenge this week, create a card that represents summer to you.  I think of 2 things when it comes to summer: flowers and hot air ballons.  When I was a kid, I knew when it was summer time when the hot air ballons came to town.  There was a hot air ballon festival at Ft. Meigs in Perrysburg every summer, and every time I see one, I still get a thrill!  Oh how I would love to ride in one...perhaps someday.....  Although I immediately thought of flowers...cause I'm addicted to flowers...I have the FABULOUS new stamp and die sets from PaperTrey Ink, so, hot air ballon cards it is!  I will be sending this off in the am to my dad for Father's Day.  It didn't occur to me until this evening, he's in Seattle visiting my brother and nephew with my mom and sister.  I was hoping I would have been able to join the whole family there, but no such luck...tear...  It will have to be in the mail early to get there in time!  DON'T FORGET to sign up as a follower of this blog either thru Blogger or FeedBlitz for your chance to win a $25 shopping spree with Stampin' Up!

Happy Hot Air Ballons
Cardstock:  SU! Close to Cocoa, Whisper White; Soft Sky DSP; Webster's Pages Journaling tags
Inks:  SU! Chocolate Chip, Close to Cocoa, Soft Sky
Stamp set: PaperTrey Ink Up, Up & Away
Accessories:  assorted buttons, burlap, white paint, jute twine, blue embroidery floss, May Arts brown twill tape,  PaperTrey Ballon and cloud dies

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I've been spending a lot of time creating items for the current Paper Crafts call.  One of the styles they want is Shabby Chic - which I LOVE!!!  I do however have a hard time keeping my embelli's under control when I create this way...blush...but isn't that the beauty of the shabby style?
I can't share all the ones I've made for the call, but I will share the two I made to apply for The Shabby Tea Room DT call! They requested we create something inspired by this cute tea pot:
I made one Shabby and the other Shabby/Vintage (sort of...)   The Shabby Tea Room is a great blog for inspiration and challenges, and you know I love my challenges!   Debbie and the ladies make wonderful works of art...wiping off the brown...they really do!  Wish me luck - there's some stiff compitition!  DON'T FORGET to sign up as a follower of this blog either thru Blogger or FeedBlitz for your chance to win a $25 shopping spree with Stampin' Up!

Shabby Anniversary
This is for my hubby to give me on our anniversary this year.  Shamefull, I know...he does get me great cards, but it has our anniversary date on it, and it's too girly for me to give him.   SO...his card shopping is done.  I'm also submitting this for the PlayDate Cafe #33.  It's been a while since I've been to the Cafe!  Regal Rose is the closest I have to rasberry in color...
Cardstock: SU! River Rock and Soft Sky DSP, Webster's Pages Journaling Card
Inks: SU! Regal Rose and Soft Sky classic ink, SU! White craft
Stamp Set:  Taylored Expressions 'Creativi-tea' and Paper Trey Damask
Accessories: Doily, SU! Chipboard tag and number, SU! pink ribbon, May Arts blue velvet ribbon, blue sequin, Kaiser Craft pearl sticker, Ranger Pearl Silver EP
I am also entering this card in the Crazy Challenge Distress it!

Vintage Tea
I started with the Webster Pages Sweet as Cherry Pie as an inspiration for this card. 
Cardstock:  Webster Pages Sweet as Cherry Pie, SU! Real Red, vellum paper
Ink:  SU! Real Red and Always Artichoke classic ink, SU! Craft White
Stamp Set:  Taylored Expressions Creativi-tea
Accessories:  hand crafted pin, green button, blue embroidery floss, resin knocker, May Arts twill tape, Kaiser Craft pearl stickers

No Limitations...

What an exciting day Saturday!  A very dear friend of mine graduated with his MBA from Ohio State.  We grew up next door to each other for 20+ years, I used to babysit him and his brothers and our mothers' are best friends.  It is such an acomplishment for an amazing man!  He's smart, funny, cute and SINGLE (know of any available Mormon women?)  Congratulations Jason - you are amazing thru and thru!
This is the card I made for this wonderful occasion for him.  I choose scarlet and grey for the ballons to honor OSU.
I'm not very good at making masculine cards, but I'm submitting this one for The Shabby Tea Room's #13 Just for Dad or Masculine card challenge and the Cards for Men challenge.  It is for a guy...
OSU Sky High
all items SU! unless stated
Cardstock: SU! Real Red and Soft Sky; SU! Soft Sky DSP; 110 white card stock
Inks:  SU! Soft Sky Classic Ink; SU! Real Red, Going Grey and Basic Grey markers
Stamp Set: Papertrey Up, Up & Away
Accessories: red brads, Papertrey ballon and cloud dies

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cool Casey

It feels so good to get back into my crafting spot!  I am beginning to feel like my old self, slowly but surely.  Nothing a few more hours (days...weeks) won't cure.  I am trying to get my challenges and calls done a little each day, so here is a card for this weeks Moxie Fab Tuesday Trigger challenge.  Cath has a new format for this weekly challenge, so come and check it out and join us - you may win a fab prize!

Cool Casey
I made this card for my nephew Casey in Seattle.  I picked up a bunch of cute shirts for him a few weeks ago - it's not yet summer there - still in the low 60's.  Hopefully this will get him in the summer mood.
(all items are SU! unless stated)
Cardstock: Kraft, Cool Caribeain, Certianly Celery, Whisper White
Stamp Set: Goody Goody Gumdrops, Crazy Cool, Park Avenue Patterns
Inks: Basic Black, Cool Caribeain
Markers:  Only Orange, Tempting Torquiouse, YoYo Yellow, Pixie Pink
Accessories: Hemp Twine, PaperTrey Woodgrain embossing plate, Friskers border punch, UTEE

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Help me win!

Alright ladies...here's the sitch....  I was contacted by Inlinkz blog to participate in their first ever card challenge!  I submitted my card and this is the catch...the winner is voted on by YOU!!  So help me out...go vote for your favorite (it's mine isn't it?... #2?...  the cute baby boy brithday one?)  You can't vote for your own, so if you participated too, e-mail me your card #.  I've re-posted the submissions below to make it easy for you, you may have to go to the InLinkz site to vote which is HERE.  Now let the voting begin!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Moxie Fab with Fabric!

I love using fabric in my cards, I think it is so fun and fresh!  Here are a couple of cards for the Moxie Fab Fun with Fabric Challenge.  I really wish I could have spent more time in my crafting spot these last 3 weeks, but alas, construction, fundraising and visiting in-laws have sucked up most of my time!  Now that summer is here, I am hoping to use my time for my kind of fun!

Dear Friend Burlap - I really love the versitility of burlap, it can look fresh, earthy, rugged, vintage...the list goes on.  I used it as the background for this card.  I like the way the burlap looks clean and fresh against the fussiness of the pearls and gold chip board

Praying for you - The yellow is a felt lazer cut coaster coaster I found a Michaels - I LOVE IT!!!  I of course had to add burlap.

Hello There  - I made about 50 satin yo-yos for the fundraiser I did last month for the ladies in pink, orange and yellow.  I did those based on this yoyo I had made for a Tuseday Trigger challenge I didn't get done in time.  I like the simplicity of the card.

Wishes - I wish for this card to win ;)!  *POOF!*  Ahh,  oh well....Can you tell I love the felt coasters - they count as fabric right?  How about that silk ribbon?  Either way - I really love this card.  Someone special will get this one!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Drum roll please....

Thank you ladies for all your wonderful comments!  It's pretty exciting for me so I thought I'd share the excitement.  I used the random number generator and..............Pam Dean is the winner of the prize pack!!!  Please e-mail me at krzykramer@yahoo.com your address so I can send you the goodies! 

My In-laws are in town this weekend so Rob and I could go to Memorial Gold Tournament a few days.  Of course it has rained everyday.  With the work on the play room and visitors, I haven't been in my crafting space this week at all...I'm going through withdraw...I am hoping I can get in there tonight. 

Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm still here...

I have been making a play room for the girls this week.  Today is my day off, so dear sweet hubby and I are going to the Memorial Tournament for a break!  I'll post photos of their adorable new room sometime tomorrow (just WAIT until you see it!), then I'll announce the WINNER of my blog candy contest!  Spread the word - when I have 50 followers, I will be giving away a $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE!  See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Call me Princess Kristin

Well here it is, my VERY exciting news!  I am ROYALTY!  Yes, I have been wisked away by Prince Charming and am now living in Cinderlla's castle at Disney World.   Ok....back to reality.  I am royalty, I swear!! 
I was named one of the winners of Paper Crafts Stampin' Royalty Contest!!  How awesome is that?!?!  I can't show you the actual card that won until the magazine hits the stands on October 12, but it was at one time on my blog, so you may have seen it.  I'll give you a hint, it's a Christmas card with un-traditional colors...that's all I'll give you for now.  With this win, I apparently get a tiara - of course - an a whole ton of great prizes!  Don't they look fun?
I'm beyond excited about the Copics, I don't have any so this is going to be a fun addition to my craftin' arsenal.  I already received the Technique Tuesday gift card and picked some great stamps with it.  I can't wait for everything to arrive!

Now, since I won some great prizes, I've got something for you....BLOG CANDY!!  Who doesn't like blog candy...or any candy for that matter?  I have compiled some of my favorite things to give one lucky random winner:

3 packages of Inque chipboard shapes (I love chipboard, it's so fun to play with!);  SU! SNAIL Adhesive (can use Tombo refils);  SU! 1" circle punch (love those circles!);  SU!  Elegant Thank You stamp (Thanks for being my friend);  SU! So Many Sayings stamp set (You can't have too many 'verbage' stamps);  2 paper bag scrapbooks (I love to make small scrapbooks); 1 mini lunch pail (for you to alter, 'cause I love to alter things!);  1 jar of ribbon (and I left the jar plain for you to alter too!)

Doesn't it look fun and FABULOUS?!?  Ok, so you have to do a little work for it. 
  • First, sign-up as a follower (either thru Blogger or Feedblitz) of my site - it's over there on the right...see it?...good. 
  • Next, leave a comment on this post.  It's that easy!  I'll pick a random winner on June 5th, so you have 5 days to qualify - get CRACKIN'
MORE exciting news for you:  My goal is to get 50 followers by the end of June.  When I reach my goal, I'm going to give away a $25 to Stampin' Up shopping spree to one of my followers!
Good luck to all my bleep friends, 'cause remember...I like to give back the love I receive!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The countdown....

You may have noticed the countdown happening over there on the right...the orange one...with the numbers...yea, that's it. It's counting down to some very exciting news for me, which means fun prizes for you!!! As for the announcement, I've promised to keep it under wraps until Tuesday, it's been hard, I've known since April!!! As for the prizes? I'll give you a hint...it has some Stampin' Up! items, Inque chipboard, adhesives and more! In order to qualify to win this FAN-TAB-U-LOUS prize pack, you have to join my blog as a follower and leave a comment on the June 1st post. Easy as that! I'll be taking a photo of this awesome prize pack and showcase it on Tuesday. So come back then, become a follower, spread the love, 'cause I spread it back!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Last one...

I made 4 cards new cards for the PaperCrafts Gallery Idol contest.  Here is another one I cranked out in the 3 .5 hour window I had to make cards!  It's nor the best photo or card for that matter, but I received this fantastic set from Taylored Expressions on Friday and had to use it.

Thank you to a Tea!
Cardstock:  SU! Always Artichoke, white 110lb cotton blend, TPE green and pink damask
Inks:  Versamark
Stamp SetTE Creativi-tea
Accessories:  TPE pearl swirls, MayArts pink silk ribbon, white embossing powder

Friday, May 28, 2010

I was invited to participate in this challenge, so help me win!!! (Or participate yourself and we'll vote for each other;)) The information on the challenge sponsored by Inlinks is below my card image.

Another one!

This is the last card I cranked out for the Paper Crafts Gallery Idol contest.  The results are posted today...I really don't think I have a chance, since I didn't spend much time on these, but wish me luck!

Thank Hoo!
Card stock:  SU! Going Grey
Inks: SU! Basik Black classic, Whisper White craft
Stamp Sets: Technique Tuesday ???, TPE Whimsical Birds
Accessories:  American Crafts letters, yellow buttons and rhinestones

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gallery Idol submission

Here is another card I made for the Paper Crafts Gallery Idol contest.  We were to create thank you cards.  This is my favorite of the ones I made on Monday.  I really have no chance at qualifing, there were nearly 1000 submissions!  It is a fun card though...

Grateful for you!
Cardstock: SU! Lovely Lilac, SU! DSP Pink Flamingo and other retired SU! DSP papers, vellum paper
Ink:  Black Stazon
Stamp Sets:  Puns from the Past
Accessories:  rainbow rhinestones, stitching, SU! corner rounder punch, Friskers border punch

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I am ALWAYS waiting till the last moment to do challenges.  It's a shame really, I'm under the gun and pressured to get the projects done with-in mere moments.  Sometimes I create some real winners, other times...well...  It was the same last week.  I was really busy with the fundraiser plans, and thought I would have the time at the crop to make some cards for the Paper Crafts Gallery Idol contest they are hosting.  No such luck.  There I was, Monday night after the baby went to bed at 8pm, whippin' up some cards that I had had on my mind for 2 weeks.  They weren't awesome feats of craftmanship, but a few turned out nice.  Here is one..

I'm really into the grey and yellow combo right now...it's so fresh and fun!  As I look at it now, I should have added some pearls to the strip of silver ribbon or some Ava pearl swirls to it.  It looks a bit plain. 

Fresh thanks
Cardstock:  SU! Going Grey, So Saffron, TPC silver damask, white vellum paper
Ink:  Silver Encore, SU! So Saffron
Stamp set:  PT Delightful Dahlia
Accessories:  Friskers border punchy, Quikcuts Cookie Cutter die, silver Offray satin ribbon, Kaisercraft pearls, stitching

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fundraiser Sample - again

I hosted a fundraiser for our local Relay for Life team on May 22nd called Hilliard Craft Camp 2010.  It was a paper crafting event, with fun things every hour during the 12 hour event!  It was a great time and we raised $1200 for the RFL!
This is a paper-bag scrapbook I created as a sample for this event.  Every participant recieved a paperbag scrapbook base, a sheet of Bo Bunny card stock stickers (donated by Simon Says Stamps) and tons more (a $40+ value).  I demonstrated the how-to's for this project.  I thought it was a perfect project for this weeks The Shabby Tea Room challenge, since it's covered in polka-dots, my favorite pattern!  I'm new to their challenges, but have always really loved Debbies sense of style and craftmanship. 
These are the first two pages, when designing small books, I use the same layout on each page, and just turn it to keep it interesting.  I will be creating a small card to tuck under the bag flap on the left (under the green scallops) with a photo.  The green flower on the right is the handle for the card that is tucked inside the opening of the bag.

This is a photo of the card pulled out a little bit.  I used my scallop punch to make the negative space on the bag and placed a positive shape on the card as the handle.

This is the center layout of the book.  Again it has the same layout throughout the book.

This is the same as the first two pages, it has a pull-out on the right and a photo will be tucked in behind the what scallops on the left behind the bag flap.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's Over!!!

I can't believe it's over!  The fundraiser went smoothly, no hitches or major problems.  I guess 4 months of planning paid off!  My husband is happy to have it over as well, as I tend to over-focus on things. This last week I was a horse with blinders on...focused straight at my target... blocking out all other distractions...aka responsibilities (oops, sorry family).  We had 29 ladies sign-up for this fun day and while we did miss our ultimate fundraising goal, we did raise $1,200 for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life and everyone there had a great time!  Here are some of the photos from the event.
I made all these fabric yo-yo's for the name tags.  It was a little something extra for them to use as a cute addition to a creation.

This was one of the most coveted prize packs, probably because of the AWESOME stamp sets donated from Julee at Verve Stamps.  The catch on this one was that only cancer survivors and current cancer fighters could enter their names for this prize.  Congrats to Paula Blackhall for winning not only the package but in her fight!  Our other cancer winners (as I had little things for them as well) were Terri Mehan and Erica Mathias. The other prize a ton of ladies wanted - the free night's stay in a King Jacuzzi room at the Holiday Inn Hilliard!  Who doesn't want to escape life for a night.

Busy, busy, busy!!!

Thank you to everyone that participated!  Thank you to our amazing event sponsor, Alecia Creasap - owner of B&B Scrapbooks in Powell!  Thank you to our Gift Sponsors, as they provided gifts to everyone there:  Julee Tilman from Verve StampsPaper Crafts Magazine; Bow Easy from Posi-Bendr;  Simon Says Stamp; Terri Mehan - Stampin Up!; Stephanie Jacobs - Creative Memories; Tracey Jacobs of Lovin' It Photography, and LilyBeth Boutique (that's me!).  Thank you also to our Gift Givers; Taylor from Taylored Expressions; Craft 2000; Walmart, Kroger and Giant Eagle!  Thank you to our food donors Chipotle and Smoothie King!  Thank you to uber-resourceful Jill Todd for helping with our last-minute lunch issues - you are a talented cook - start that blog and business!  A HUGE thank you to Brenda and the staff at the Holiday Inn Hilliard.  They were BEYOND gracious and helpful for our event, including getting extra tables from other hotels with our jump in registrations!

A final thank you to some members of the Hilliard Helping Hands relay team; Allison for editing my grammatical errors, writing the press-release and giving some fun prizes; Monica for spreading the word and getting me some great participants during a difficult time; Karen for assisting with set-up and registration.  Most importantly, my right-hand woman Diana - you are AMAZING!!!  Thank you for your help for the entire day; picking up our smoothies; dinner; the three things I forgot; selling $100+ worth of tickets and being my cheerleader for this event.  I appreciate all that you are and all that you do! 

That's it!  I'll get back to creating this week, hopefully this evening as I really want to participate in the Paper Crats Gallery Idol contest!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another sample

This is another sample I made for one of the challenges at the fundraiser on Saturday.  It's based off this photo from A Creative Mint.  She is so stinkin' creative with her inspriation photos.  This is what I came up with from this.  The onsie is a Hambly clear sticker, they are too cute.  I combined it with the Dear Lizzy Warble sweet stamp and surrounded it with a cloud.  The letters are fom Americn Crafts and the blue ribbon is acutally a satin, that I flipped over to use the non-shiny side.
That's it!  Wish me luck today at the fundraiser!

Visit my NEW Website!

 After twenty years in papercraft and florals, I have finally decided to switch Paperfiori over to a website of my own. Don't worry! All...